
PyDRex: Entry points and argument handling for command line tools.

All CLI handlers should be registered in the CLI_HANDLERS namedtuple, which ensures that they will be installed as executable scripts alongside the package.

  1"""> PyDRex: Entry points and argument handling for command line tools.
  3All CLI handlers should be registered in the `CLI_HANDLERS` namedtuple,
  4which ensures that they will be installed as executable scripts alongside the package.
  8import argparse
  9import os
 10from collections import namedtuple
 11from zipfile import ZipFile
 13from pydrex import exceptions as _err
 14from pydrex import io as _io
 15from pydrex import logger as _log
 16from pydrex import minerals as _minerals
 17from pydrex import stats as _stats
 18from pydrex import visualisation as _vis
 21class CliTool:
 22    """Base class for CLI tools defining the required interface."""
 24    def __call__(self):
 25        return NotImplementedError
 27    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace | type[NotImplementedError]:
 28        return NotImplementedError
 31class MeshGenerator(CliTool):
 32    """PyDRex script to generate various simple meshes.
 34    Only rectangular (2D) meshes are currently supported. The RESOLUTION must be a comma
 35    delimited set of directives of the form `<LOC>:<RES>` where `<LOC>` is a location
 36    specifier, i.e. either "G" (global) or a compas direction like "N", "S", "NE", etc.,
 37    and `<RES>` is a floating point value to be set as the resolution at that location.
 39    """
 41    def __call__(self):
 42        try:  # This one is dangerous, especially in CI.
 43            from pydrex import mesh as _mesh
 44        except ImportError:
 45            raise _err.MissingDependencyError(
 46                "missing optional meshing dependencies."
 47                + " Have you installed the package with 'pip install pydrex[mesh]'?"
 48            )
 50        args = self._get_args()
 52        if is None:
 53            center = (0, 0)
 54        else:
 55            center = [float(s) for s in",")]
 56            assert len(center) == 2
 58        if args.custom_points is not None:
 59            _custom_points = [
 60                [*map(float, point.split(":"))]
 61                for point in args.custom_points.split(",")
 62            ]
 63            # Extract the insertion indices and parse into tuple.
 64            custom_indices = [int(point[0]) for point in _custom_points]
 65            custom_points = (custom_indices, [point[1:] for point in _custom_points])
 67        if args.kind == "rectangle":
 68            width, height = map(float, args.size.split(","))
 69            _loc_map = {
 70                "G": "global",
 71                "N": "north",
 72                "S": "south",
 73                "E": "east",
 74                "W": "west",
 75                "NE": "north-east",
 76                "NW": "north-west",
 77                "SE": "south-east",
 78                "SW": "south-west",
 79            }
 80            try:
 81                resolution = {
 82                    _loc_map[k]: float(v)
 83                    for k, v in map(lambda s: s.split(":"), args.resolution.split(","))
 84                }
 85            except KeyError:
 86                raise KeyError(
 87                    "invalid or unsupported location specified in resolution directive"
 88                ) from None
 89            except ValueError:
 90                raise ValueError(
 91                    "invalid resolution value. The format should be '<LOC1>:<RES1>,<LOC2>:<RES2>,...'"
 92                ) from None
 93            _mesh.rectangle(
 94                args.output[:-4],
 95                (args.ref_axes[0], args.ref_axes[1]),
 96                center,
 97                width,
 98                height,
 99                resolution,
100                custom_constraints=custom_points,
101            )
103    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
104        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
105        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
106        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
107        parser.add_argument("size", help="width,height[,depth] of the mesh")
108        parser.add_argument(
109            "-r",
110            "--resolution",
111            help="resolution for the mesh (edge length hint(s) for gmsh)",
112            required=True,
113        )
114        parser.add_argument("output", help="output file (.msh)")
115        parser.add_argument(
116            "-c",
117            "--center",
118            help="center of the mesh as 2 or 3 comma-separated coordinates. default: (0, 0[, 0])",
119            default=None,
120        )
121        parser.add_argument(
122            "-a",
123            "--ref-axes",
124            help=(
125                "two letters from {'x', 'y', 'z'} that specify"
126                + " the horizontal and vertical axes of the mesh"
127            ),
128            default="xz",
129        )
130        parser.add_argument(
131            "-k", "--kind", help="kind of mesh, e.g. 'rectangle'", default="rectangle"
132        )
133        parser.add_argument(
134            "-p",
135            "--custom-points",
136            help="comma-separated custom point constraints (in the format index:x1:x2[:x3]:resolution)",
137            default=None,
138        )
139        return parser.parse_args()
142class H5partExtractor(CliTool):
143    """PyDRex script to extract raw CPO data from Fluidity .h5part files.
145    Fluidity saves data stored on model `particles` to an `.h5part` file.
146    This script converts that file to canonical serialisation formats:
147    - a `.npz` file containing the raw CPO orientations and (surrogate) grain sizes
148    - an `.scsv` file containing the pathline positions and accumulated strain
150    It is assumed that CPO data is stored in keys called 'CPO_<N>' in the .h5part
151    data, where `<N>` is an integer in the range 1—`n_grains`. The accumulated strain is
152    read from the attribute `CPO_<S>` where S=`ngrains`+1. Particle positions are read
153    from the attributes `x`, `y`, and `z`.
155    At the moment, dynamic changes in fabric or phase are not supported.
157    """
159    def __call__(self):
160        args = self._get_args()
161        _io.extract_h5part(
162            args.input, args.phase, args.fabric, args.ngrains, args.output
163        )
165    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
166        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
167        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
168        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
169        parser.add_argument("input", help="input file (.h5part)")
170        parser.add_argument(
171            "-p",
172            "--phase",
173            help="type of `pydrex.MineralPhase` (as an ordinal number); 0 by default",
174            default=0,
175        )
176        parser.add_argument(
177            "-f",
178            "--fabric",
179            type=int,
180            help="type of `pydrex.MineralFabric` (as an ordinal number); 0 by default",
181            default=0,
182        )
183        parser.add_argument(
184            "-n",
185            "--ngrains",
186            help="number of grains used in the Fluidity simulation",
187            type=int,
188            required=True,
189        )
190        parser.add_argument(
191            "-o",
192            "--output",
193            help="filename for the output NPZ file (stem also used for the .scsv)",
194            required=True,
195        )
196        return parser.parse_args()
199class NPZFileInspector(CliTool):
200    """PyDRex script to show information about serialized CPO data.
202    Lists the keys that should be used for the `postfix` in `pydrex.Mineral.load` and
203    `pydrex.Mineral.from_file`.
205    """
207    def __call__(self):
208        args = self._get_args()
209        with ZipFile(args.input) as npz:
210            names = npz.namelist()
211            print("NPZ file with keys:")
212            for name in names:
213                if not (
214                    name.startswith("meta")
215                    or name.startswith("fractions")
216                    or name.startswith("orientations")
217                ):
218                    _log.warning(f"found unknown NPZ key '{name}' in '{args.input}'")
219                print(f" - {name}")
221    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
222        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
223        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
224        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
225        parser.add_argument("input", help="input file (.npz)")
226        return parser.parse_args()
229class PoleFigureVisualiser(CliTool):
230    """PyDRex script to plot pole figures of serialized CPO data.
232    Produces [100], [010] and [001] pole figures for serialized `pydrex.Mineral`s.
233    If the range of indices is not specified,
234    a maximum of 25 of each pole figure will be produced by default.
236    """
238    def __call__(self):
239        try:
240            args = self._get_args()
241            if args.range is None:
242                i_range = None
243            else:
244                start, stop_ex, step = (int(s) for s in args.range.split(":"))
245                # Make command line start:stop:step stop-inclusive, it's more intuitive.
246                i_range = range(start, stop_ex + step, step)
248            density_kwargs = {"kernel": args.kernel}
249            if args.smoothing is not None:
250                density_kwargs["σ"] = args.smoothing
252            mineral = _minerals.Mineral.from_file(args.input, postfix=args.postfix)
253            if i_range is None:
254                i_range = range(0, len(mineral.orientations))
255                if len(i_range) > 25:
256                    _log.warning(
257                        "truncating to 25 timesteps (out of %s total)", len(i_range)
258                    )
259                    i_range = range(0, 25)
261            orientations_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
262                mineral.orientations[i_range.start : i_range.stop : i_range.step],
263                mineral.fractions[i_range.start : i_range.stop : i_range.step],
264            )
265            if args.scsv is None:
266                strains = None
267            else:
268                strains = _io.read_scsv(args.scsv).strain[
269                    i_range.start : i_range.stop : i_range.step
270                ]
271            _vis.polefigures(
272                orientations_resampled,
273                ref_axes=args.ref_axes,
274                i_range=i_range,
275                density=args.density,
276                savefile=args.out,
277                strains=strains,
278                **density_kwargs,
279            )
280        except (argparse.ArgumentError, ValueError, _err.Error) as e:
281            _log.error(str(e))
283    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
284        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
285        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
286        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
287        parser.add_argument("input", help="input file (.npz)")
288        parser.add_argument(
289            "-r",
290            "--range",
291            help="range of strain indices to be plotted, in the format start:stop:step",
292            default=None,
293        )
294        parser.add_argument(
295            "-f",
296            "--scsv",
297            help=(
298                "path to SCSV file with a column named 'strain'"
299                + " that lists shear strain percentages for each strain index"
300            ),
301            default=None,
302        )
303        parser.add_argument(
304            "-p",
305            "--postfix",
306            help=(
307                "postfix of the mineral to load,"
308                + " required if the input file contains data for multiple minerals"
309            ),
310            default=None,
311        )
312        parser.add_argument(
313            "-d",
314            "--density",
315            help="toggle contouring of pole figures using point density estimation",
316            default=False,
317            action="store_true",
318        )
319        parser.add_argument(
320            "-k",
321            "--kernel",
322            help=(
323                "kernel function for point density estimation, one of:"
324                + f" {list(_stats.SPHERICAL_COUNTING_KERNELS.keys())}"
325            ),
326            default="linear_inverse_kamb",
327        )
328        parser.add_argument(
329            "-s",
330            "--smoothing",
331            help="smoothing parameter for Kamb type density estimation kernels",
332            default=None,
333            type=float,
334            metavar="σ",
335        )
336        parser.add_argument(
337            "-a",
338            "--ref-axes",
339            help=(
340                "two letters from {'x', 'y', 'z'} that specify"
341                + " the horizontal and vertical axes of the pole figures"
342            ),
343            default="xz",
344        )
345        parser.add_argument(
346            "-o",
347            "--out",
348            help="name of the output file, with either .png or .pdf extension",
349            default="polefigures.png",
350        )
351        return parser.parse_args()
354# These are not the final names of the executables (those are set in pyproject.toml).
355_CLI_HANDLERS = namedtuple(
356    "_CLI_HANDLERS",
357    (
358        "pole_figure_visualiser",
359        "npz_file_inspector",
360        "mesh_generator",
361        "h5part_extractor",
362    ),
365    pole_figure_visualiser=PoleFigureVisualiser(),
366    npz_file_inspector=NPZFileInspector(),
367    mesh_generator=MeshGenerator(),
368    h5part_extractor=H5partExtractor(),
class CliTool:
22class CliTool:
23    """Base class for CLI tools defining the required interface."""
25    def __call__(self):
26        return NotImplementedError
28    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace | type[NotImplementedError]:
29        return NotImplementedError

Base class for CLI tools defining the required interface.

class MeshGenerator(CliTool):
 32class MeshGenerator(CliTool):
 33    """PyDRex script to generate various simple meshes.
 35    Only rectangular (2D) meshes are currently supported. The RESOLUTION must be a comma
 36    delimited set of directives of the form `<LOC>:<RES>` where `<LOC>` is a location
 37    specifier, i.e. either "G" (global) or a compas direction like "N", "S", "NE", etc.,
 38    and `<RES>` is a floating point value to be set as the resolution at that location.
 40    """
 42    def __call__(self):
 43        try:  # This one is dangerous, especially in CI.
 44            from pydrex import mesh as _mesh
 45        except ImportError:
 46            raise _err.MissingDependencyError(
 47                "missing optional meshing dependencies."
 48                + " Have you installed the package with 'pip install pydrex[mesh]'?"
 49            )
 51        args = self._get_args()
 53        if is None:
 54            center = (0, 0)
 55        else:
 56            center = [float(s) for s in",")]
 57            assert len(center) == 2
 59        if args.custom_points is not None:
 60            _custom_points = [
 61                [*map(float, point.split(":"))]
 62                for point in args.custom_points.split(",")
 63            ]
 64            # Extract the insertion indices and parse into tuple.
 65            custom_indices = [int(point[0]) for point in _custom_points]
 66            custom_points = (custom_indices, [point[1:] for point in _custom_points])
 68        if args.kind == "rectangle":
 69            width, height = map(float, args.size.split(","))
 70            _loc_map = {
 71                "G": "global",
 72                "N": "north",
 73                "S": "south",
 74                "E": "east",
 75                "W": "west",
 76                "NE": "north-east",
 77                "NW": "north-west",
 78                "SE": "south-east",
 79                "SW": "south-west",
 80            }
 81            try:
 82                resolution = {
 83                    _loc_map[k]: float(v)
 84                    for k, v in map(lambda s: s.split(":"), args.resolution.split(","))
 85                }
 86            except KeyError:
 87                raise KeyError(
 88                    "invalid or unsupported location specified in resolution directive"
 89                ) from None
 90            except ValueError:
 91                raise ValueError(
 92                    "invalid resolution value. The format should be '<LOC1>:<RES1>,<LOC2>:<RES2>,...'"
 93                ) from None
 94            _mesh.rectangle(
 95                args.output[:-4],
 96                (args.ref_axes[0], args.ref_axes[1]),
 97                center,
 98                width,
 99                height,
100                resolution,
101                custom_constraints=custom_points,
102            )
104    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
105        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
106        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
107        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
108        parser.add_argument("size", help="width,height[,depth] of the mesh")
109        parser.add_argument(
110            "-r",
111            "--resolution",
112            help="resolution for the mesh (edge length hint(s) for gmsh)",
113            required=True,
114        )
115        parser.add_argument("output", help="output file (.msh)")
116        parser.add_argument(
117            "-c",
118            "--center",
119            help="center of the mesh as 2 or 3 comma-separated coordinates. default: (0, 0[, 0])",
120            default=None,
121        )
122        parser.add_argument(
123            "-a",
124            "--ref-axes",
125            help=(
126                "two letters from {'x', 'y', 'z'} that specify"
127                + " the horizontal and vertical axes of the mesh"
128            ),
129            default="xz",
130        )
131        parser.add_argument(
132            "-k", "--kind", help="kind of mesh, e.g. 'rectangle'", default="rectangle"
133        )
134        parser.add_argument(
135            "-p",
136            "--custom-points",
137            help="comma-separated custom point constraints (in the format index:x1:x2[:x3]:resolution)",
138            default=None,
139        )
140        return parser.parse_args()

PyDRex script to generate various simple meshes.

Only rectangular (2D) meshes are currently supported. The RESOLUTION must be a comma delimited set of directives of the form <LOC>:<RES> where <LOC> is a location specifier, i.e. either "G" (global) or a compas direction like "N", "S", "NE", etc., and <RES> is a floating point value to be set as the resolution at that location.

class H5partExtractor(CliTool):
143class H5partExtractor(CliTool):
144    """PyDRex script to extract raw CPO data from Fluidity .h5part files.
146    Fluidity saves data stored on model `particles` to an `.h5part` file.
147    This script converts that file to canonical serialisation formats:
148    - a `.npz` file containing the raw CPO orientations and (surrogate) grain sizes
149    - an `.scsv` file containing the pathline positions and accumulated strain
151    It is assumed that CPO data is stored in keys called 'CPO_<N>' in the .h5part
152    data, where `<N>` is an integer in the range 1—`n_grains`. The accumulated strain is
153    read from the attribute `CPO_<S>` where S=`ngrains`+1. Particle positions are read
154    from the attributes `x`, `y`, and `z`.
156    At the moment, dynamic changes in fabric or phase are not supported.
158    """
160    def __call__(self):
161        args = self._get_args()
162        _io.extract_h5part(
163            args.input, args.phase, args.fabric, args.ngrains, args.output
164        )
166    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
167        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
168        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
169        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
170        parser.add_argument("input", help="input file (.h5part)")
171        parser.add_argument(
172            "-p",
173            "--phase",
174            help="type of `pydrex.MineralPhase` (as an ordinal number); 0 by default",
175            default=0,
176        )
177        parser.add_argument(
178            "-f",
179            "--fabric",
180            type=int,
181            help="type of `pydrex.MineralFabric` (as an ordinal number); 0 by default",
182            default=0,
183        )
184        parser.add_argument(
185            "-n",
186            "--ngrains",
187            help="number of grains used in the Fluidity simulation",
188            type=int,
189            required=True,
190        )
191        parser.add_argument(
192            "-o",
193            "--output",
194            help="filename for the output NPZ file (stem also used for the .scsv)",
195            required=True,
196        )
197        return parser.parse_args()

PyDRex script to extract raw CPO data from Fluidity .h5part files.

Fluidity saves data stored on model particles to an .h5part file. This script converts that file to canonical serialisation formats:

  • a .npz file containing the raw CPO orientations and (surrogate) grain sizes
  • an .scsv file containing the pathline positions and accumulated strain

It is assumed that CPO data is stored in keys called 'CPO_' in the .h5part data, where <N> is an integer in the range 1—n_grains. The accumulated strain is read from the attribute CPO_<S> where S=ngrains+1. Particle positions are read from the attributes x, y, and z.

At the moment, dynamic changes in fabric or phase are not supported.

class NPZFileInspector(CliTool):
200class NPZFileInspector(CliTool):
201    """PyDRex script to show information about serialized CPO data.
203    Lists the keys that should be used for the `postfix` in `pydrex.Mineral.load` and
204    `pydrex.Mineral.from_file`.
206    """
208    def __call__(self):
209        args = self._get_args()
210        with ZipFile(args.input) as npz:
211            names = npz.namelist()
212            print("NPZ file with keys:")
213            for name in names:
214                if not (
215                    name.startswith("meta")
216                    or name.startswith("fractions")
217                    or name.startswith("orientations")
218                ):
219                    _log.warning(f"found unknown NPZ key '{name}' in '{args.input}'")
220                print(f" - {name}")
222    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
223        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
224        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
225        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
226        parser.add_argument("input", help="input file (.npz)")
227        return parser.parse_args()

PyDRex script to show information about serialized CPO data.

Lists the keys that should be used for the postfix in pydrex.Mineral.load and pydrex.Mineral.from_file.

class PoleFigureVisualiser(CliTool):
230class PoleFigureVisualiser(CliTool):
231    """PyDRex script to plot pole figures of serialized CPO data.
233    Produces [100], [010] and [001] pole figures for serialized `pydrex.Mineral`s.
234    If the range of indices is not specified,
235    a maximum of 25 of each pole figure will be produced by default.
237    """
239    def __call__(self):
240        try:
241            args = self._get_args()
242            if args.range is None:
243                i_range = None
244            else:
245                start, stop_ex, step = (int(s) for s in args.range.split(":"))
246                # Make command line start:stop:step stop-inclusive, it's more intuitive.
247                i_range = range(start, stop_ex + step, step)
249            density_kwargs = {"kernel": args.kernel}
250            if args.smoothing is not None:
251                density_kwargs["σ"] = args.smoothing
253            mineral = _minerals.Mineral.from_file(args.input, postfix=args.postfix)
254            if i_range is None:
255                i_range = range(0, len(mineral.orientations))
256                if len(i_range) > 25:
257                    _log.warning(
258                        "truncating to 25 timesteps (out of %s total)", len(i_range)
259                    )
260                    i_range = range(0, 25)
262            orientations_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
263                mineral.orientations[i_range.start : i_range.stop : i_range.step],
264                mineral.fractions[i_range.start : i_range.stop : i_range.step],
265            )
266            if args.scsv is None:
267                strains = None
268            else:
269                strains = _io.read_scsv(args.scsv).strain[
270                    i_range.start : i_range.stop : i_range.step
271                ]
272            _vis.polefigures(
273                orientations_resampled,
274                ref_axes=args.ref_axes,
275                i_range=i_range,
276                density=args.density,
277                savefile=args.out,
278                strains=strains,
279                **density_kwargs,
280            )
281        except (argparse.ArgumentError, ValueError, _err.Error) as e:
282            _log.error(str(e))
284    def _get_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace:
285        assert self.__doc__ is not None, f"missing docstring for {self}"
286        description, epilog = self.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
287        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
288        parser.add_argument("input", help="input file (.npz)")
289        parser.add_argument(
290            "-r",
291            "--range",
292            help="range of strain indices to be plotted, in the format start:stop:step",
293            default=None,
294        )
295        parser.add_argument(
296            "-f",
297            "--scsv",
298            help=(
299                "path to SCSV file with a column named 'strain'"
300                + " that lists shear strain percentages for each strain index"
301            ),
302            default=None,
303        )
304        parser.add_argument(
305            "-p",
306            "--postfix",
307            help=(
308                "postfix of the mineral to load,"
309                + " required if the input file contains data for multiple minerals"
310            ),
311            default=None,
312        )
313        parser.add_argument(
314            "-d",
315            "--density",
316            help="toggle contouring of pole figures using point density estimation",
317            default=False,
318            action="store_true",
319        )
320        parser.add_argument(
321            "-k",
322            "--kernel",
323            help=(
324                "kernel function for point density estimation, one of:"
325                + f" {list(_stats.SPHERICAL_COUNTING_KERNELS.keys())}"
326            ),
327            default="linear_inverse_kamb",
328        )
329        parser.add_argument(
330            "-s",
331            "--smoothing",
332            help="smoothing parameter for Kamb type density estimation kernels",
333            default=None,
334            type=float,
335            metavar="σ",
336        )
337        parser.add_argument(
338            "-a",
339            "--ref-axes",
340            help=(
341                "two letters from {'x', 'y', 'z'} that specify"
342                + " the horizontal and vertical axes of the pole figures"
343            ),
344            default="xz",
345        )
346        parser.add_argument(
347            "-o",
348            "--out",
349            help="name of the output file, with either .png or .pdf extension",
350            default="polefigures.png",
351        )
352        return parser.parse_args()

PyDRex script to plot pole figures of serialized CPO data.

Produces [100], [010] and [001] pole figures for serialized pydrex.Minerals. If the range of indices is not specified, a maximum of 25 of each pole figure will be produced by default.

CLI_HANDLERS = _CLI_HANDLERS(pole_figure_visualiser=<PoleFigureVisualiser object>, npz_file_inspector=<NPZFileInspector object>, mesh_generator=<MeshGenerator object>, h5part_extractor=<H5partExtractor object>)