
PyDRex: Functions for geometric coordinate conversions and projections.

  1"""> PyDRex: Functions for geometric coordinate conversions and projections."""
  3from enum import Enum, unique
  5import numba as nb
  6import numpy as np
  7from scipy import linalg as la
  8from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
 12class LatticeSystem(Enum):
 13    """Crystallographic lattice systems supported by postprocessing methods.
 15    The value of a member is `(a, b)` with `a` and `b` as given in the table below.
 16    The additional row lists the maximum misorientation angle between two crystallites
 17    for the given lattice system.
 19                triclinic  monoclinic  orthorhombic  rhombohedral tetragonal hexagonal
 20        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 21        a       1          2           2             3            4          6
 22        b       1          2           4             6            8          12
 23        θmax    180°       180°        120°          120°         90°        90°
 25    This is identically Table 1 in [Grimmer (1979)](
 27    """
 29    triclinic = (1, 1)
 30    monoclinic = (2, 2)
 31    orthorhombic = (2, 4)
 32    rhombohedral = (3, 6)
 33    tetragonal = (4, 8)
 34    hexagonal = (6, 12)
 37# TODO: Wait for PEP 695 support:
 38# type T = np.ndarray | float
 39# def to_cartesian(ϕ: T, θ: T, r: T = 1) -> tuple[T, T, T]:
 40def to_cartesian(ϕ, θ, r=1) -> tuple:
 41    """Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates in ℝ³.
 43    Spherical coordinate convention:
 44    - ϕ is the longitude (“azimuth”) ∈ [0, 2π)
 45    - θ is the colatitude (“inclination”) ∈ [0, π)
 47    By default, a radius of `r = 1` is used for the sphere.
 48    Returns a tuple containing arrays of x, y, and z values.
 50    """
 51    ϕ = np.atleast_1d(ϕ).astype(float)
 52    θ = np.atleast_1d(θ).astype(float)
 53    r = np.atleast_1d(r).astype(float)
 54    return (r * np.sin(θ) * np.cos(ϕ), r * np.sin(θ) * np.sin(ϕ), r * np.cos(θ))
 57def to_spherical(x, y, z) -> tuple:
 58    """Convert cartesian coordinates in ℝ³ to spherical coordinates.
 60    Spherical coordinate convention:
 61    - ϕ is the longitude (“azimuth”) ∈ [0, 2π)
 62    - θ is the colatitude (“inclination”) ∈ [0, π)
 64    Returns a tuple containing arrays of r, ϕ and θ values.
 66    """
 67    x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype(float)
 68    y = np.atleast_1d(y).astype(float)
 69    z = np.atleast_1d(z).astype(float)
 70    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
 71    return (r, np.arctan2(y, x), np.sign(y) * np.arccos(x / np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)))
 75def misorientation_angles(q1_array: np.ndarray, q2_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
 76    """Calculate minimum misorientation angles for collections of rotation quaternions.
 78    Calculate the smallest angular distance between any quaternions `q1_array[:, i]` and
 79    `q2_array[:, j]`, where i == j and the first dimensions of `q1_array` and `q2_array`
 80    are of equal length (the output will also be this long):
 82        q1_array.shape      q2_array.shape      len(output)
 83        ---------------------------------------------------
 84        NxAx4               NxBx4               N
 86    .. warning::
 87        This method must be able to allocate a floating point array of shape Nx(A*B)
 89    Uses ~25% less memory than the same operation with rotation matrices.
 91    See also:
 92    - <>
 93    - [Huynh (2009)](
 96    """
 97    if q1_array.shape[0] != q2_array.shape[0]:
 98        raise ValueError(
 99            "the first dimensions of q1_array and q2_array must be of equal length"
100            + f" but {q1_array.shape[0]} != {q2_array.shape[0]}"
101        )
102    angles = np.empty((q1_array.shape[0], q1_array.shape[1] * q2_array.shape[1]))
103    k = 0
104    for i in range(q1_array.shape[1]):
105        for j in range(q2_array.shape[1]):
106            angles[:, k] = 2 * np.rad2deg(
107                np.arccos(
108                    np.abs(
109                        np.clip(
110                            np.sum(q1_array[:, i] * q2_array[:, j], axis=1),
111                            -1.0,
112                            1.0,
113                        )
114                    )
115                )
116            )
117            k += 1
118    return np.array([np.min(a) for a in angles])
121def symmetry_operations(system: LatticeSystem) -> list:
122    """Get sequence of symmetry operations for the given `LatticeSystem`.
124    Returned transforms are either quaternions (for rotations of the lattice) or 4x4
125    matrices which pre-multiply a quaternion to give a reflected variant (reflections
126    are *improper* rotations and cannot be represented as quaternions or SciPy rotation
127    matrices).
129    """
130    match system:
131        case LatticeSystem.triclinic:  # Triclinic lattice, no additional symmetry.
132            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat()]
133        case LatticeSystem.monoclinic | LatticeSystem.orthorhombic:
134            # Rotation by π around any of the Cartesian axes.
135            rotations = [
136                Rotation.from_rotvec(np.pi * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
137                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
138            ]
139            # Reflections around any of the Cartesian planes.
140            # Quaternion space matrix equivalents for the R^3 operations:
141            #   np.diag(x) for x in ([1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, 1])
142            #
143            # NOTE: Don't use scipy Rotation, it silently converts to proper rotations.
144            # There is maybe <>,
145            # but another dependency just for this might not be worth it.
146            reflections = [
147                np.diag(x) for x in ([1, -1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1, -1])
148            ]
149            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations, *reflections]
150        case LatticeSystem.rhombohedral:
151            # Rotations by n * π/3, n ∈ {1, 2} around any of the Cartesian axes.
152            rotations = [
153                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 3 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
154                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
155                for i in (1, 2)
156            ]
157            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations]
158        case LatticeSystem.tetragonal:
159            # Rotations by n * π/2, n ∈ {1, 2, 3} around any of the Cartesian axes.
160            rotations = [
161                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 2 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
162                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
163                for i in (1, 2, 3)
164            ]
165            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations]
166        case LatticeSystem.hexagonal:
167            # Rotations by n * π/3, n ∈ {1, 2} around any of the Cartesian axes.
168            rotations3 = [
169                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 3 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
170                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
171                for i in (1, 2)
172            ]
173            # Rotations by n * π/6, n ∈ {1, 3, 5} around any of the Cartesian axes.
174            # The other three π/6 rotations are identical to the π/3 rotations.
175            rotations6 = [
176                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 6 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
177                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
178                for i in (1, 3, 5)
179            ]
180            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations3, *rotations6]
181        case _:
182            raise ValueError(f"unsupported lattice system: {system}")
185def poles(orientations: np.ndarray, ref_axes: str = "xz", hkl=[1, 0, 0]) -> tuple:
186    """Extract 3D vectors of crystallographic directions from orientation matrices.
188    Expects `orientations` to be an array with shape (N, 3, 3).
189    The optional arguments `ref_axes` and `hkl` can be used to change
190    the global reference axes and the crystallographic direction respectively.
191    The reference axes should be given as a string of two letters,
192    e.g. "xz" (default), which specify the second and third axes
193    of the global right-handed reference frame. The third letter in the set "xyz"
194    determines the first axis. The `ref_axes` will therefore become the
195    horizontal and vertical axes of pole figures used to plot the directions.
197    """
198    _ref_axes = ref_axes.lower()
199    upward_axes = (set("xyz") - set(_ref_axes)).pop()
200    axes_map = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}
202    # Get directions in the right-handed frame.
203    directions = np.tensordot(orientations.transpose([0, 2, 1]), hkl, axes=(2, 0))
204    directions_norm = la.norm(directions, axis=1)
205    directions /= directions_norm.reshape(-1, 1)
207    # Rotate into the chosen reference frame.
208    zvals = directions[:, axes_map[upward_axes]]
209    yvals = directions[:, axes_map[_ref_axes[1]]]
210    xvals = directions[:, axes_map[_ref_axes[0]]]
211    return xvals, yvals, zvals
214def lambert_equal_area(xvals, yvals, zvals) -> tuple:
215    """Project axial data from a 3D sphere onto a 2D disk.
217    Project points from a 3D sphere of radius 1, given in Cartesian coordinates,
218    to points on a 2D disk using a Lambert equal area azimuthal projection.
219    Returns arrays of the X and Y coordinates in the unit disk.
221    This implementation first maps all points onto the same hemisphere,
222    and then projects that hemisphere onto the disk.
224    """
225    xvals = np.atleast_1d(xvals).astype(float)
226    yvals = np.atleast_1d(yvals).astype(float)
227    zvals = np.atleast_1d(zvals).astype(float)
228    # One reference for the equation is Mardia & Jupp 2009 (Directional Statistics),
229    # where it appears as eq. 9.1.1 in spherical coordinates,
230    #   [sinθcosφ, sinθsinφ, cosθ].
232    # First we move all points into the upper hemisphere.
233    # See e.g. page 186 of Snyder 1987 (Map Projections— A Working Manual).
234    # This is done by taking θ' = π - θ where θ is the colatitude (inclination).
235    # Equivalently, in Cartesian coords we just take abs of the z values.
236    zvals = abs(zvals)
237    # When x and y are both 0, we would have a zero-division.
238    # These points are always projected onto [0, 0] (the centre of the disk).
239    condition = np.logical_and(np.abs(xvals) < 1e-16, np.abs(yvals) < 1e-16)
240    x_masked =, xvals)
241    y_masked =, yvals)
242    x_masked.fill_value = np.nan
243    y_masked.fill_value = np.nan
244    # The equations in Mardia & Jupp 2009 and Snyder 1987 both project the hemisphere
245    # onto a disk of radius sqrt(2), so we drop the sqrt(2) factor that appears
246    # after converting to Cartesian coords to get a radius of 1.
247    prefactor = np.sqrt((1 - zvals) / (x_masked**2 + y_masked**2))
248    prefactor.fill_value = 0.0
249    return prefactor.filled() * xvals, prefactor.filled() * yvals
252def shirley_concentric_squaredisk(xvals, yvals) -> tuple:
253    """Project points from a square onto a disk using the concentric Shirley method.
255    The concentric method of [Shirley & Chiu (1997)](
256    is optimised to preserve area. See also: <>.
258    This can be used to set up uniform grids on a disk, e.g.
260    >>> a = [x / 5.0 for x in range(-5, 6)]
261    >>> x = [[x] * len(a) for x in a]
262    >>> y = [a for _ in a]
263    >>> x_flat = [j for i in x for j in i]
264    >>> y_flat = [j for i in y for j in i]
265    >>> x_disk, y_disk = shirley_concentric_squaredisk(x_flat, y_flat)
266    >>> r = x_disk**2 + y_disk**2
267    >>> r.reshape((len(a), len(a)))
268    array([[1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  ],
269           [1.  , 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 1.  ],
270           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
271           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
272           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
273           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.  , 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
274           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
275           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
276           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
277           [1.  , 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 1.  ],
278           [1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  ]])
279    >>> from math import atan2
280    >>> θ = [atan2(y, x) for y, x in zip(y_disk, x_disk)]
281    >>> max(θ)
282    3.141592653589793
283    >>> min(θ)
284    -2.9845130209101467
286    """
288    def _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xgty(xvals, yvals):
289        ratios = yvals / (xvals + 1e-12)
290        return xvals * np.cos(np.pi / 4 * ratios), xvals * np.sin(np.pi / 4 * ratios)
292    def _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xlty(xvals, yvals):
293        ratios = xvals / (yvals + 1e-12)
294        return yvals * np.sin(np.pi / 4 * ratios), yvals * np.cos(np.pi / 4 * ratios)
296    xvals = np.atleast_1d(xvals).astype(float)
297    yvals = np.atleast_1d(yvals).astype(float)
298    conditions = [
299        np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(np.abs(xvals) >= np.abs(yvals)), 2, axis=0).transpose(),
300        np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(np.abs(xvals) < np.abs(yvals)), 2, axis=0).transpose(),
301    ]
302    x_disk, y_disk = np.piecewise(
303        np.column_stack([xvals, yvals]),
304        conditions,
305        [
306            lambda xy: np.column_stack(
307                _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xgty(*xy.reshape(-1, 2).transpose())
308            ).ravel(),
309            lambda xy: np.column_stack(
310                _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xlty(*xy.reshape(-1, 2).transpose())
311            ).ravel(),
312        ],
313    ).transpose()
314    return x_disk, y_disk
317def to_indices2d(horizontal: str, vertical: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
318    _geometry = (horizontal.upper(), vertical.upper())
319    match _geometry:
320        case ("X", "Y"):
321            indices = (0, 1)
322        case ("X", "Z"):
323            indices = (0, 2)
324        case ("Y", "X"):
325            indices = (1, 0)
326        case ("Y", "Z"):
327            indices = (1, 2)
328        case ("Z", "X"):
329            indices = (2, 0)
330        case ("Z", "Y"):
331            indices = (2, 1)
332        case _:
333            raise ValueError
334    return indices
class LatticeSystem(enum.Enum):
13class LatticeSystem(Enum):
14    """Crystallographic lattice systems supported by postprocessing methods.
16    The value of a member is `(a, b)` with `a` and `b` as given in the table below.
17    The additional row lists the maximum misorientation angle between two crystallites
18    for the given lattice system.
20                triclinic  monoclinic  orthorhombic  rhombohedral tetragonal hexagonal
21        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22        a       1          2           2             3            4          6
23        b       1          2           4             6            8          12
24        θmax    180°       180°        120°          120°         90°        90°
26    This is identically Table 1 in [Grimmer (1979)](
28    """
30    triclinic = (1, 1)
31    monoclinic = (2, 2)
32    orthorhombic = (2, 4)
33    rhombohedral = (3, 6)
34    tetragonal = (4, 8)
35    hexagonal = (6, 12)

Crystallographic lattice systems supported by postprocessing methods.

The value of a member is (a, b) with a and b as given in the table below. The additional row lists the maximum misorientation angle between two crystallites for the given lattice system.

        triclinic  monoclinic  orthorhombic  rhombohedral tetragonal hexagonal
a       1          2           2             3            4          6
b       1          2           4             6            8          12
θmax    180°       180°        120°          120°         90°        90°

This is identically Table 1 in Grimmer (1979).

triclinic = <LatticeSystem.triclinic: (1, 1)>
monoclinic = <LatticeSystem.monoclinic: (2, 2)>
orthorhombic = <LatticeSystem.orthorhombic: (2, 4)>
rhombohedral = <LatticeSystem.rhombohedral: (3, 6)>
tetragonal = <LatticeSystem.tetragonal: (4, 8)>
hexagonal = <LatticeSystem.hexagonal: (6, 12)>
Inherited Members
def to_cartesian(φ, θ, r=1) -> tuple:
41def to_cartesian(ϕ, θ, r=1) -> tuple:
42    """Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates in ℝ³.
44    Spherical coordinate convention:
45    - ϕ is the longitude (“azimuth”) ∈ [0, 2π)
46    - θ is the colatitude (“inclination”) ∈ [0, π)
48    By default, a radius of `r = 1` is used for the sphere.
49    Returns a tuple containing arrays of x, y, and z values.
51    """
52    ϕ = np.atleast_1d(ϕ).astype(float)
53    θ = np.atleast_1d(θ).astype(float)
54    r = np.atleast_1d(r).astype(float)
55    return (r * np.sin(θ) * np.cos(ϕ), r * np.sin(θ) * np.sin(ϕ), r * np.cos(θ))

Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates in ℝ³.

Spherical coordinate convention:

  • ϕ is the longitude (“azimuth”) ∈ [0, 2π)
  • θ is the colatitude (“inclination”) ∈ [0, π)

By default, a radius of r = 1 is used for the sphere. Returns a tuple containing arrays of x, y, and z values.

def to_spherical(x, y, z) -> tuple:
58def to_spherical(x, y, z) -> tuple:
59    """Convert cartesian coordinates in ℝ³ to spherical coordinates.
61    Spherical coordinate convention:
62    - ϕ is the longitude (“azimuth”) ∈ [0, 2π)
63    - θ is the colatitude (“inclination”) ∈ [0, π)
65    Returns a tuple containing arrays of r, ϕ and θ values.
67    """
68    x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype(float)
69    y = np.atleast_1d(y).astype(float)
70    z = np.atleast_1d(z).astype(float)
71    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
72    return (r, np.arctan2(y, x), np.sign(y) * np.arccos(x / np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)))

Convert cartesian coordinates in ℝ³ to spherical coordinates.

Spherical coordinate convention:

  • ϕ is the longitude (“azimuth”) ∈ [0, 2π)
  • θ is the colatitude (“inclination”) ∈ [0, π)

Returns a tuple containing arrays of r, ϕ and θ values.

def misorientation_angles(q1_array: numpy.ndarray, q2_array: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
 76def misorientation_angles(q1_array: np.ndarray, q2_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
 77    """Calculate minimum misorientation angles for collections of rotation quaternions.
 79    Calculate the smallest angular distance between any quaternions `q1_array[:, i]` and
 80    `q2_array[:, j]`, where i == j and the first dimensions of `q1_array` and `q2_array`
 81    are of equal length (the output will also be this long):
 83        q1_array.shape      q2_array.shape      len(output)
 84        ---------------------------------------------------
 85        NxAx4               NxBx4               N
 87    .. warning::
 88        This method must be able to allocate a floating point array of shape Nx(A*B)
 90    Uses ~25% less memory than the same operation with rotation matrices.
 92    See also:
 93    - <>
 94    - [Huynh (2009)](
 97    """
 98    if q1_array.shape[0] != q2_array.shape[0]:
 99        raise ValueError(
100            "the first dimensions of q1_array and q2_array must be of equal length"
101            + f" but {q1_array.shape[0]} != {q2_array.shape[0]}"
102        )
103    angles = np.empty((q1_array.shape[0], q1_array.shape[1] * q2_array.shape[1]))
104    k = 0
105    for i in range(q1_array.shape[1]):
106        for j in range(q2_array.shape[1]):
107            angles[:, k] = 2 * np.rad2deg(
108                np.arccos(
109                    np.abs(
110                        np.clip(
111                            np.sum(q1_array[:, i] * q2_array[:, j], axis=1),
112                            -1.0,
113                            1.0,
114                        )
115                    )
116                )
117            )
118            k += 1
119    return np.array([np.min(a) for a in angles])

Calculate minimum misorientation angles for collections of rotation quaternions.

Calculate the smallest angular distance between any quaternions q1_array[:, i] and q2_array[:, j], where i == j and the first dimensions of q1_array and q2_array are of equal length (the output will also be this long):

q1_array.shape      q2_array.shape      len(output)
NxAx4               NxBx4               N

This method must be able to allocate a floating point array of shape Nx(A*B)

Uses ~25% less memory than the same operation with rotation matrices.

See also:

def symmetry_operations(system: LatticeSystem) -> list:
122def symmetry_operations(system: LatticeSystem) -> list:
123    """Get sequence of symmetry operations for the given `LatticeSystem`.
125    Returned transforms are either quaternions (for rotations of the lattice) or 4x4
126    matrices which pre-multiply a quaternion to give a reflected variant (reflections
127    are *improper* rotations and cannot be represented as quaternions or SciPy rotation
128    matrices).
130    """
131    match system:
132        case LatticeSystem.triclinic:  # Triclinic lattice, no additional symmetry.
133            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat()]
134        case LatticeSystem.monoclinic | LatticeSystem.orthorhombic:
135            # Rotation by π around any of the Cartesian axes.
136            rotations = [
137                Rotation.from_rotvec(np.pi * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
138                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
139            ]
140            # Reflections around any of the Cartesian planes.
141            # Quaternion space matrix equivalents for the R^3 operations:
142            #   np.diag(x) for x in ([1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, 1])
143            #
144            # NOTE: Don't use scipy Rotation, it silently converts to proper rotations.
145            # There is maybe <>,
146            # but another dependency just for this might not be worth it.
147            reflections = [
148                np.diag(x) for x in ([1, -1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1, -1])
149            ]
150            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations, *reflections]
151        case LatticeSystem.rhombohedral:
152            # Rotations by n * π/3, n ∈ {1, 2} around any of the Cartesian axes.
153            rotations = [
154                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 3 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
155                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
156                for i in (1, 2)
157            ]
158            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations]
159        case LatticeSystem.tetragonal:
160            # Rotations by n * π/2, n ∈ {1, 2, 3} around any of the Cartesian axes.
161            rotations = [
162                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 2 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
163                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
164                for i in (1, 2, 3)
165            ]
166            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations]
167        case LatticeSystem.hexagonal:
168            # Rotations by n * π/3, n ∈ {1, 2} around any of the Cartesian axes.
169            rotations3 = [
170                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 3 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
171                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
172                for i in (1, 2)
173            ]
174            # Rotations by n * π/6, n ∈ {1, 3, 5} around any of the Cartesian axes.
175            # The other three π/6 rotations are identical to the π/3 rotations.
176            rotations6 = [
177                Rotation.from_rotvec(i * np.pi / 6 * np.asarray(vector)).as_quat()
178                for vector in [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
179                for i in (1, 3, 5)
180            ]
181            return [Rotation.identity().as_quat(), *rotations3, *rotations6]
182        case _:
183            raise ValueError(f"unsupported lattice system: {system}")

Get sequence of symmetry operations for the given LatticeSystem.

Returned transforms are either quaternions (for rotations of the lattice) or 4x4 matrices which pre-multiply a quaternion to give a reflected variant (reflections are improper rotations and cannot be represented as quaternions or SciPy rotation matrices).

def poles( orientations: numpy.ndarray, ref_axes: str = 'xz', hkl=[1, 0, 0]) -> tuple:
186def poles(orientations: np.ndarray, ref_axes: str = "xz", hkl=[1, 0, 0]) -> tuple:
187    """Extract 3D vectors of crystallographic directions from orientation matrices.
189    Expects `orientations` to be an array with shape (N, 3, 3).
190    The optional arguments `ref_axes` and `hkl` can be used to change
191    the global reference axes and the crystallographic direction respectively.
192    The reference axes should be given as a string of two letters,
193    e.g. "xz" (default), which specify the second and third axes
194    of the global right-handed reference frame. The third letter in the set "xyz"
195    determines the first axis. The `ref_axes` will therefore become the
196    horizontal and vertical axes of pole figures used to plot the directions.
198    """
199    _ref_axes = ref_axes.lower()
200    upward_axes = (set("xyz") - set(_ref_axes)).pop()
201    axes_map = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}
203    # Get directions in the right-handed frame.
204    directions = np.tensordot(orientations.transpose([0, 2, 1]), hkl, axes=(2, 0))
205    directions_norm = la.norm(directions, axis=1)
206    directions /= directions_norm.reshape(-1, 1)
208    # Rotate into the chosen reference frame.
209    zvals = directions[:, axes_map[upward_axes]]
210    yvals = directions[:, axes_map[_ref_axes[1]]]
211    xvals = directions[:, axes_map[_ref_axes[0]]]
212    return xvals, yvals, zvals

Extract 3D vectors of crystallographic directions from orientation matrices.

Expects orientations to be an array with shape (N, 3, 3). The optional arguments ref_axes and hkl can be used to change the global reference axes and the crystallographic direction respectively. The reference axes should be given as a string of two letters, e.g. "xz" (default), which specify the second and third axes of the global right-handed reference frame. The third letter in the set "xyz" determines the first axis. The ref_axes will therefore become the horizontal and vertical axes of pole figures used to plot the directions.

def lambert_equal_area(xvals, yvals, zvals) -> tuple:
215def lambert_equal_area(xvals, yvals, zvals) -> tuple:
216    """Project axial data from a 3D sphere onto a 2D disk.
218    Project points from a 3D sphere of radius 1, given in Cartesian coordinates,
219    to points on a 2D disk using a Lambert equal area azimuthal projection.
220    Returns arrays of the X and Y coordinates in the unit disk.
222    This implementation first maps all points onto the same hemisphere,
223    and then projects that hemisphere onto the disk.
225    """
226    xvals = np.atleast_1d(xvals).astype(float)
227    yvals = np.atleast_1d(yvals).astype(float)
228    zvals = np.atleast_1d(zvals).astype(float)
229    # One reference for the equation is Mardia & Jupp 2009 (Directional Statistics),
230    # where it appears as eq. 9.1.1 in spherical coordinates,
231    #   [sinθcosφ, sinθsinφ, cosθ].
233    # First we move all points into the upper hemisphere.
234    # See e.g. page 186 of Snyder 1987 (Map Projections— A Working Manual).
235    # This is done by taking θ' = π - θ where θ is the colatitude (inclination).
236    # Equivalently, in Cartesian coords we just take abs of the z values.
237    zvals = abs(zvals)
238    # When x and y are both 0, we would have a zero-division.
239    # These points are always projected onto [0, 0] (the centre of the disk).
240    condition = np.logical_and(np.abs(xvals) < 1e-16, np.abs(yvals) < 1e-16)
241    x_masked =, xvals)
242    y_masked =, yvals)
243    x_masked.fill_value = np.nan
244    y_masked.fill_value = np.nan
245    # The equations in Mardia & Jupp 2009 and Snyder 1987 both project the hemisphere
246    # onto a disk of radius sqrt(2), so we drop the sqrt(2) factor that appears
247    # after converting to Cartesian coords to get a radius of 1.
248    prefactor = np.sqrt((1 - zvals) / (x_masked**2 + y_masked**2))
249    prefactor.fill_value = 0.0
250    return prefactor.filled() * xvals, prefactor.filled() * yvals

Project axial data from a 3D sphere onto a 2D disk.

Project points from a 3D sphere of radius 1, given in Cartesian coordinates, to points on a 2D disk using a Lambert equal area azimuthal projection. Returns arrays of the X and Y coordinates in the unit disk.

This implementation first maps all points onto the same hemisphere, and then projects that hemisphere onto the disk.

def shirley_concentric_squaredisk(xvals, yvals) -> tuple:
253def shirley_concentric_squaredisk(xvals, yvals) -> tuple:
254    """Project points from a square onto a disk using the concentric Shirley method.
256    The concentric method of [Shirley & Chiu (1997)](
257    is optimised to preserve area. See also: <>.
259    This can be used to set up uniform grids on a disk, e.g.
261    >>> a = [x / 5.0 for x in range(-5, 6)]
262    >>> x = [[x] * len(a) for x in a]
263    >>> y = [a for _ in a]
264    >>> x_flat = [j for i in x for j in i]
265    >>> y_flat = [j for i in y for j in i]
266    >>> x_disk, y_disk = shirley_concentric_squaredisk(x_flat, y_flat)
267    >>> r = x_disk**2 + y_disk**2
268    >>> r.reshape((len(a), len(a)))
269    array([[1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  ],
270           [1.  , 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 1.  ],
271           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
272           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
273           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
274           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.  , 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
275           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
276           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
277           [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
278           [1.  , 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 1.  ],
279           [1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  ]])
280    >>> from math import atan2
281    >>> θ = [atan2(y, x) for y, x in zip(y_disk, x_disk)]
282    >>> max(θ)
283    3.141592653589793
284    >>> min(θ)
285    -2.9845130209101467
287    """
289    def _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xgty(xvals, yvals):
290        ratios = yvals / (xvals + 1e-12)
291        return xvals * np.cos(np.pi / 4 * ratios), xvals * np.sin(np.pi / 4 * ratios)
293    def _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xlty(xvals, yvals):
294        ratios = xvals / (yvals + 1e-12)
295        return yvals * np.sin(np.pi / 4 * ratios), yvals * np.cos(np.pi / 4 * ratios)
297    xvals = np.atleast_1d(xvals).astype(float)
298    yvals = np.atleast_1d(yvals).astype(float)
299    conditions = [
300        np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(np.abs(xvals) >= np.abs(yvals)), 2, axis=0).transpose(),
301        np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(np.abs(xvals) < np.abs(yvals)), 2, axis=0).transpose(),
302    ]
303    x_disk, y_disk = np.piecewise(
304        np.column_stack([xvals, yvals]),
305        conditions,
306        [
307            lambda xy: np.column_stack(
308                _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xgty(*xy.reshape(-1, 2).transpose())
309            ).ravel(),
310            lambda xy: np.column_stack(
311                _shirley_concentric_squaredisc_xlty(*xy.reshape(-1, 2).transpose())
312            ).ravel(),
313        ],
314    ).transpose()
315    return x_disk, y_disk

Project points from a square onto a disk using the concentric Shirley method.

The concentric method of Shirley & Chiu (1997) is optimised to preserve area. See also:

This can be used to set up uniform grids on a disk, e.g.

>>> a = [x / 5.0 for x in range(-5, 6)]
>>> x = [[x] * len(a) for x in a]
>>> y = [a for _ in a]
>>> x_flat = [j for i in x for j in i]
>>> y_flat = [j for i in y for j in i]
>>> x_disk, y_disk = shirley_concentric_squaredisk(x_flat, y_flat)
>>> r = x_disk**2 + y_disk**2
>>> r.reshape((len(a), len(a)))
array([[1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.  , 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 1.  ],
       [1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 1.  ]])
>>> from math import atan2
>>> θ = [atan2(y, x) for y, x in zip(y_disk, x_disk)]
>>> max(θ)
>>> min(θ)
def to_indices2d(horizontal: str, vertical: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
318def to_indices2d(horizontal: str, vertical: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
319    _geometry = (horizontal.upper(), vertical.upper())
320    match _geometry:
321        case ("X", "Y"):
322            indices = (0, 1)
323        case ("X", "Z"):
324            indices = (0, 2)
325        case ("Y", "X"):
326            indices = (1, 0)
327        case ("Y", "Z"):
328            indices = (1, 2)
329        case ("Z", "X"):
330            indices = (2, 0)
331        case ("Z", "Y"):
332            indices = (2, 1)
333        case _:
334            raise ValueError
335    return indices