PyDRex: Methods to calculate texture and strain diagnostics.
Calculations expect orientation matrices to represent passive (i.e. alias) rotations, which are defined in terms of the extrinsic ZXZ euler angles as such that a[i, j] gives the direction cosine of the angle between the i-th grain axis and the j-th external axis (in the global Eulerian frame).
1r"""> PyDRex: Methods to calculate texture and strain diagnostics. 2 3.. note:: 4 Calculations expect orientation matrices $a$ to represent passive 5 (i.e. alias) rotations, which are defined in terms of the extrinsic ZXZ 6 euler angles $ϕ, θ, φ$ as 7 $$ 8 a = \begin{bmatrix} 9 \cosφ\cosϕ - \cosθ\sinϕ\sinφ & \cosθ\cosϕ\sinφ + \cosφ\sinϕ & \sinφ\sinθ \cr 10 -\sinφ\cosϕ - \cosθ\sinϕ\cosφ & \cosθ\cosϕ\cosφ - \sinφ\sinϕ & \cosφ\sinθ \cr 11 \sinθ\sinϕ & -\sinθ\cosϕ & \cosθ 12 \end{bmatrix} 13 $$ 14 such that a[i, j] gives the direction cosine of the angle between the i-th 15 grain axis and the j-th external axis (in the global Eulerian frame). 16 17""" 18 19import functools as ft 20 21import numba as nb 22import numpy as np 23import scipy.linalg as la 24 25from pydrex import geometry as _geo 26from pydrex import logger as _log 27from pydrex import stats as _stats 28from pydrex import tensors as _tensors 29from pydrex import utils as _utils 30 31Pool, HAS_RAY = _utils.import_proc_pool() 32if HAS_RAY: 33 import ray 34 35 from pydrex import distributed as _dstr 36 37 38def elasticity_components(voigt_matrices: np.ndarray): 39 """Calculate elasticity decompositions for the given elasticity tensors. 40 41 - `voigt_matrices` — the Nx6x6 Voigt matrix representations of the averaged 42 elasticity tensors for a series of N polycrystal textures 43 44 Returns a dictionary with the following data series: 45 - `'bulk_modulus'` — the computed bulk modulus for each Voigt matrix C 46 - `'shear_modulus'` — the computed shear modulus for each Voigt matrix C 47 - `'percent_anisotropy'` — for each Voigt matrix C, the total percentage of the 48 norm of the elastic tensor ||C|| that deviates from the norm of the "closest" 49 isotropic elasticity tensor 50 - `'percent_hexagonal'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 51 a hexagonally symmetric bulk medium 52 - `'percent_tetragonal'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 53 a tetragonally symmetric bulk medium 54 - `'percent_orthorhombic'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 55 an orthorhombically symmetric bulk medium 56 - `'percent_monoclinic'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 57 a monoclinically symmetric bulk medium 58 - `'percent_triclinic'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 59 a triclinically "symmetric" bulk medium (no mirror planes) 60 - `'hexagonal_axis'` — for each C, the axis of hexagonal symmetry for the "closest" 61 hexagonally symmetric approximation to C, a.k.a. the "transverse isotropy" axis 62 63 .. note:: 64 Only 5 symmetry classes are relevant for elasticity decomposition, 65 compared to the usual 6 used to describe crystal families. 66 Crystals with cubic symmetry contribute to the isotropic elasticity tensor, 67 because the lattice spacing is identical in all orthogonal directions. 68 Note also that the trigonal crystal *system* is not a crystal family 69 (it belongs to the hexagonal family). 70 71 """ 72 n_matrices = len(voigt_matrices) 73 out = { 74 "bulk_modulus": np.empty(n_matrices), 75 "shear_modulus": np.empty(n_matrices), 76 "percent_anisotropy": np.empty(n_matrices), 77 "percent_hexagonal": np.empty(n_matrices), 78 "percent_tetragonal": np.empty(n_matrices), 79 "percent_orthorhombic": np.empty(n_matrices), 80 "percent_monoclinic": np.empty(n_matrices), 81 "percent_triclinic": np.empty(n_matrices), 82 "hexagonal_axis": np.empty((n_matrices, 3)), 83 } 84 for m, matrix in enumerate(voigt_matrices): 85 voigt_matrix = _tensors.upper_tri_to_symmetric(matrix) 86 stiffness_dilat, stiffness_deviat = _tensors.voigt_decompose(voigt_matrix) 87 K = np.trace(stiffness_dilat) / 9 # Bulk modulus 88 G = (np.trace(stiffness_deviat) - 3 * K) / 10 # Shear modulus 89 out["bulk_modulus"][m] = K 90 out["shear_modulus"][m] = G 91 92 # Appendix A5, Browaeys & Chevrot, 2004. 93 # The isotropic stiffness vector is independent of the coordinate system. 94 isotropic_vector = np.hstack( 95 ( 96 np.repeat(K + 4 * G / 3, 3), 97 np.repeat(np.sqrt(2) * (K - 2 * G / 3), 3), 98 np.repeat(2 * G, 3), 99 np.repeat(0, 12), 100 ) 101 ) 102 voigt_vector = _tensors.voigt_matrix_to_vector(voigt_matrix) 103 out["percent_anisotropy"][m] = ( 104 la.norm(voigt_vector - isotropic_vector) / la.norm(voigt_vector) * 100 105 ) 106 107 # Search for SCCS axes (orthogonal axes defined intrinsically by 108 # eigenstrains of the elastic tensor). 109 unpermuted_SCCS = np.empty((3, 3)) 110 eigv_dij = la.eigh(stiffness_dilat)[1] 111 eigv_vij = la.eigh(stiffness_deviat)[1] 112 # Averaging of eigenvectors to get the symmetry axes. 113 for i in range(3): 114 index_vij = 0 # [i(+1?)] of v_ij = eigvect that is nearest to the d_ij one. 115 angle = 10 # Initialise to any number > 2π radians. 116 for j in range(3): 117 # Calculate angle between a pair of eigenvectors. 118 # One eigenvector is taken from v_ij and one from d_ij. 119 # Do not distinguish between vectors in opposite directions. 120 dot_eigvects =[:, i], eigv_vij[:, j]) 121 angle_eigvects = smallest_angle(eigv_dij[:, i], eigv_vij[:, j]) 122 if angle_eigvects < angle: 123 angle = angle_eigvects 124 # NOTE: Differences between ASPECT And original implementation: 125 # - In C++, std::copysign(1.0, 0.0) returns -1. 126 # - In Fortran 90, sign(1.0, 0.0) returns 1. 127 # - ASPECT implementation uses 'j' instead of 'j+1', doesn't seem to 128 # make a difference using the equivalent change for vec_SCSS = ... 129 index_vij = np.sign(dot_eigvects) * j if dot_eigvects != 0 else j 130 # index_vij = ( 131 # np.sign(dot_eigvects) * (j + 1) 132 # if dot_eigvects != 0 133 # else (j + 1) 134 # ) 135 136 # Add/subtract the nearest v_ij eigenvector multiplied by the signed index, 137 # which effectively rotates the d_ij eigenvector, and then normalise it. 138 vec_SCCS = ( 139 eigv_dij[:, i] + index_vij * eigv_vij[:, int(abs(index_vij))] 140 ) / 2 141 # vec_SCSS = ( 142 # eigv_dij[:, i] + index_vij * eigv_vij[:, int(abs(index_vij) - 1)] 143 # ) / 2 144 vec_SCCS /= la.norm(vec_SCCS) 145 unpermuted_SCCS[:, i] = vec_SCCS 146 147 # Determine SCCS permutation that gives best hexagonal approximation. 148 # This is achieved by minimising the "distance" between the voigt vector and its 149 # projection onto the hexagonal symmetry subspace. 150 # The elastic tensor is rotated into this system for decomposition. 151 elastic_tensor = _tensors.voigt_to_elastic_tensor(voigt_matrix) 152 distance = la.norm(voigt_vector) 153 for i in range(3): 154 permuted_SCCS = unpermuted_SCCS[:, [(i + j) % 3 for j in range(3)]] 155 rotated_voigt_matrix = _tensors.elastic_tensor_to_voigt( 156 _tensors.rotate(elastic_tensor, permuted_SCCS.transpose()) 157 ) 158 rotated_voigt_vector = _tensors.voigt_matrix_to_vector(rotated_voigt_matrix) 159 mono_and_higher_vector = _tensors.mono_project(rotated_voigt_vector) 160 tric_vector = rotated_voigt_vector - mono_and_higher_vector 161 ortho_and_higher_vector = _tensors.ortho_project(mono_and_higher_vector) 162 tetr_and_higher_vector = _tensors.tetr_project(ortho_and_higher_vector) 163 hex_and_higher_vector = _tensors.hex_project(tetr_and_higher_vector) 164 mono_vector = mono_and_higher_vector - ortho_and_higher_vector 165 ortho_vector = ortho_and_higher_vector - tetr_and_higher_vector 166 tetr_vector = tetr_and_higher_vector - hex_and_higher_vector 167 hex_vector = hex_and_higher_vector - isotropic_vector 168 169 δ = la.norm(rotated_voigt_vector - hex_and_higher_vector) 170 if δ < distance: 171 distance = δ 172 173 percent = 100 / la.norm(voigt_vector) 174 # print("\n", _tensors.voigt_vector_to_matrix(hex_vector)) 175 out["percent_triclinic"][m] = la.norm(tric_vector) * percent 176 out["percent_monoclinic"][m] = la.norm(mono_vector) * percent 177 out["percent_orthorhombic"][m] = la.norm(ortho_vector) * percent 178 out["percent_tetragonal"][m] = la.norm(tetr_vector) * percent 179 out["percent_hexagonal"][m] = la.norm(hex_vector) * percent 180 # Last SCCS axis is always the hexagonal symmetry axis. 181 out["hexagonal_axis"][m, ...] = permuted_SCCS[:, 2] 182 return out 183 184 185def bingham_average(orientations: np.ndarray, axis: str = "a"): 186 """Compute Bingham average of orientation matrices. 187 188 Returns the antipodally symmetric average orientation 189 of the given crystallographic `axis`, or the a-axis by default. 190 Valid axis specifiers are "a" for [100], "b" for [010] and "c" for [001]. 191 192 See also: [Watson (1966)](, 193 [Mardia & Jupp, “Directional Statistics”]( 194 195 """ 196 match axis: 197 case "a": 198 row = 0 199 case "b": 200 row = 1 201 case "c": 202 row = 2 203 case _: 204 raise ValueError(f"axis must be 'a', 'b', or 'c', not {axis}") 205 206 # 207 # Eigenvector corresponding to largest eigenvalue is the mean direction. 208 # SciPy returns eigenvalues in ascending order (same order for vectors). 209 # SciPy uses lower triangular entries by default, no need for all components. 210 mean_vector = la.eigh(_stats._scatter_matrix(np.asarray(orientations), row))[1][ 211 :, -1 212 ] 213 return mean_vector / la.norm(mean_vector) 214 215 216def finite_strain(deformation_gradient: np.ndarray, driver="ev"): 217 """Extract measures of finite strain from the deformation gradient. 218 219 Extracts the largest principal strain value and the vector defining the axis of 220 maximum extension (longest semiaxis of the finite strain ellipsoid) from the 3x3 221 deformation gradient tensor. 222 223 """ 224 # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the left stretch (Cauchy-Green) tensor. 225 B_λ, B_v = la.eigh( 226 deformation_gradient @ deformation_gradient.transpose(), 227 driver=driver, 228 ) 229 # Stretch ratio is sqrt(λ) - 1, the (-1) is so that undeformed strain is 0 not 1. 230 return np.sqrt(B_λ[-1]) - 1, B_v[:, -1] 231 232 233def symmetry_pgr(orientations: np.ndarray, axis="a"): 234 r"""Compute texture symmetry eigenvalue diagnostics from grain orientation matrices. 235 236 Compute Point, Girdle and Random symmetry diagnostics 237 for ternary texture classification. 238 Returns the tuple (P, G, R) where 239 $$ 240 \begin{align\*} 241 P &= (λ_{1} - λ_{2}) / N \cr 242 G &= 2 (λ_{2} - λ_{3}) / N \cr 243 R &= 3 λ_{3} / N 244 \end{align\*} 245 $$ 246 with $N$ the sum of the eigenvalues $λ_{1} ≥ λ_{2} ≥ λ_{3}$ 247 of the scatter (inertia) matrix. 248 249 See e.g. [Vollmer (1990)](;2). 250 251 """ 252 match axis: 253 case "a": 254 row = 0 255 case "b": 256 row = 1 257 case "c": 258 row = 2 259 case _: 260 raise ValueError(f"axis must be 'a', 'b', or 'c', not {axis}") 261 262 scatter = _stats._scatter_matrix(orientations, row) 263 # SciPy uses lower triangular entries by default, no need for all components. 264 eigvals_descending = la.eigvalsh(scatter)[::-1] 265 sum_eigvals = np.sum(eigvals_descending) 266 return ( 267 (eigvals_descending[0] - eigvals_descending[1]) / sum_eigvals, 268 2 * (eigvals_descending[1] - eigvals_descending[2]) / sum_eigvals, 269 3 * eigvals_descending[2] / sum_eigvals, 270 ) 271 272 273def misorientation_indices( 274 orientation_stack: np.ndarray, 275 system: _geo.LatticeSystem, 276 bins: int | None = None, 277 ncpus: int | None = None, 278 pool=None, 279): 280 """Calculate M-indices for a series of polycrystal textures. 281 282 Calculate M-index using `misorientation_index` for a series of texture snapshots. 283 The `orientation_stack` is a NxMx3x3 array of orientations where N is the number of 284 texture snapshots and M is the number of grains. 285 286 Uses either Ray or the Python multiprocessing library to calculate texture indices 287 for multiple snapshots simultaneously. The arguments `ncpus` and `pool` are only 288 relevant to the latter option: if `ncpus` is `None` the number of CPU cores to use 289 is chosen automatically based on the maximum number available to the Python 290 interpreter, otherwise the specified number of cores is requested. Alternatively, an 291 existing instance of `multiprocessing.Pool` can be provided. 292 293 If Ray is installed, it will be automatically preferred. In this case, the number of 294 parallel workers should be set upon initialisation of the Ray cluster (which can be 295 distributed over the network). 296 297 See `misorientation_index` for documentation of the remaining arguments. 298 299 """ 300 if ncpus is not None and pool is not None: 301 _log.warning("ignoring `ncpus` argument because a Pool was provided") 302 m_indices = np.empty(len(orientation_stack)) 303 _run = ft.partial( 304 misorientation_index, 305 system=system, 306 bins=bins, 307 ) 308 if pool is None: 309 if ncpus is None: 310 ncpus = _utils.default_ncpus() 311 with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool: 312 for i, out in enumerate(pool.imap(_run, orientation_stack)): 313 m_indices[i] = out 314 else: 315 if HAS_RAY: 316 m_indices = np.array( 317 ray.get( 318 [ 319 _dstr.misorientation_index.remote( 320 ray.put(a), system=system, bins=bins 321 ) 322 for a in orientation_stack 323 ] 324 ) 325 ) 326 else: 327 for i, out in enumerate(pool.imap(_run, orientation_stack)): 328 m_indices[i] = out 329 return m_indices 330 331 332def misorientation_index( 333 orientations: np.ndarray, system: _geo.LatticeSystem, bins: int | None = None 334): 335 r"""Calculate M-index for polycrystal orientations. 336 337 The `bins` argument is passed to `numpy.histogram`. 338 If left as `None`, 1° bins will be used as recommended by the reference paper. 339 The `symmetry` argument specifies the lattice system which determines intrinsic 340 symmetry degeneracies and the maximum allowable misorientation angle. 341 See `_geo.LatticeSystem` for supported systems. 342 343 .. warning:: 344 This method must be able to allocate an array of shape 345 $ \frac{N!}{2(N-2)!}× M^{2} $ 346 for N the length of `orientations` and M the number of symmetry operations for 347 the given `system`. 348 349 See [Skemer et al. (2005)]( 350 351 """ 352 θmax = _stats._max_misorientation(system) 353 misorientations_count, bin_edges = _stats.misorientation_hist( 354 orientations, system, bins 355 ) 356 # Compute counts of theoretical misorientation for an isotropic aggregate, 357 # using the same bins (Skemer 2005 recommend 1° bins). 358 misorientations_theory = np.array( 359 [ 360 _stats.misorientations_random(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1], system) 361 for i in range(len(misorientations_count)) 362 ] 363 ) 364 # Equation 2 in Skemer 2005. 365 return (θmax / (2 * len(misorientations_count))) * np.sum( 366 np.abs(misorientations_theory - misorientations_count) 367 ) 368 369 370def coaxial_index(orientations: np.ndarray, axis1: str = "b", axis2: str = "a"): 371 r"""Calculate coaxial “BA” index for a combination of two crystal axes. 372 373 The BA index of [Mainprice et al. (2015)]( 374 is derived from the eigenvalue `symmetry` diagnostics and measures point vs girdle 375 symmetry in the aggregate. $BA ∈ [0, 1]$ where $BA = 0$ corresponds to a perfect 376 axial girdle texture and $BA = 1$ represents a point symmetry texture assuming that 377 the random component $R$ is negligible. May be less susceptible to random 378 fluctuations compared to the raw eigenvalue diagnostics. 379 380 """ 381 P1, G1, _ = symmetry_pgr(orientations, axis=axis1) 382 P2, G2, _ = symmetry_pgr(orientations, axis=axis2) 383 return 0.5 * (2 - (P1 / (G1 + P1)) - (G2 / (G2 + P2))) 384 385 386@nb.njit(fastmath=True) 387def smallest_angle( 388 vector: np.ndarray, axis: np.ndarray, plane: np.ndarray | None = None 389): 390 """Get smallest angle between a unit `vector` and a bidirectional `axis`. 391 392 The axis is specified using either of its two parallel unit vectors. 393 Optionally project the vector onto the `plane` (given by its unit normal) 394 before calculating the angle. 395 396 Examples: 397 398 >>> import numpy as np 399 >>> def f64(x): return np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) 400 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]))) 401 0 402 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([0e0, 1e0, 0e0]))) 403 90 404 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([0e0, -1e0, 0e0]))) 405 90 406 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2), 0e0]))) 407 45 408 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([-np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2), 0e0]))) 409 45 410 411 """ 412 if plane is not None: 413 _vector = vector - plane *, plane) 414 else: 415 _vector = vector 416 angle = np.rad2deg( 417 np.arccos( 418 np.clip( 419 np.asarray( # 420, axis) 421 / (np.linalg.norm(_vector) * np.linalg.norm(axis)) 422 ), 423 -1, 424 1, 425 ) 426 ) 427 ) 428 if angle > 90: 429 return 180 - angle 430 return angle
39def elasticity_components(voigt_matrices: np.ndarray): 40 """Calculate elasticity decompositions for the given elasticity tensors. 41 42 - `voigt_matrices` — the Nx6x6 Voigt matrix representations of the averaged 43 elasticity tensors for a series of N polycrystal textures 44 45 Returns a dictionary with the following data series: 46 - `'bulk_modulus'` — the computed bulk modulus for each Voigt matrix C 47 - `'shear_modulus'` — the computed shear modulus for each Voigt matrix C 48 - `'percent_anisotropy'` — for each Voigt matrix C, the total percentage of the 49 norm of the elastic tensor ||C|| that deviates from the norm of the "closest" 50 isotropic elasticity tensor 51 - `'percent_hexagonal'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 52 a hexagonally symmetric bulk medium 53 - `'percent_tetragonal'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 54 a tetragonally symmetric bulk medium 55 - `'percent_orthorhombic'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 56 an orthorhombically symmetric bulk medium 57 - `'percent_monoclinic'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 58 a monoclinically symmetric bulk medium 59 - `'percent_triclinic'` — for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to 60 a triclinically "symmetric" bulk medium (no mirror planes) 61 - `'hexagonal_axis'` — for each C, the axis of hexagonal symmetry for the "closest" 62 hexagonally symmetric approximation to C, a.k.a. the "transverse isotropy" axis 63 64 .. note:: 65 Only 5 symmetry classes are relevant for elasticity decomposition, 66 compared to the usual 6 used to describe crystal families. 67 Crystals with cubic symmetry contribute to the isotropic elasticity tensor, 68 because the lattice spacing is identical in all orthogonal directions. 69 Note also that the trigonal crystal *system* is not a crystal family 70 (it belongs to the hexagonal family). 71 72 """ 73 n_matrices = len(voigt_matrices) 74 out = { 75 "bulk_modulus": np.empty(n_matrices), 76 "shear_modulus": np.empty(n_matrices), 77 "percent_anisotropy": np.empty(n_matrices), 78 "percent_hexagonal": np.empty(n_matrices), 79 "percent_tetragonal": np.empty(n_matrices), 80 "percent_orthorhombic": np.empty(n_matrices), 81 "percent_monoclinic": np.empty(n_matrices), 82 "percent_triclinic": np.empty(n_matrices), 83 "hexagonal_axis": np.empty((n_matrices, 3)), 84 } 85 for m, matrix in enumerate(voigt_matrices): 86 voigt_matrix = _tensors.upper_tri_to_symmetric(matrix) 87 stiffness_dilat, stiffness_deviat = _tensors.voigt_decompose(voigt_matrix) 88 K = np.trace(stiffness_dilat) / 9 # Bulk modulus 89 G = (np.trace(stiffness_deviat) - 3 * K) / 10 # Shear modulus 90 out["bulk_modulus"][m] = K 91 out["shear_modulus"][m] = G 92 93 # Appendix A5, Browaeys & Chevrot, 2004. 94 # The isotropic stiffness vector is independent of the coordinate system. 95 isotropic_vector = np.hstack( 96 ( 97 np.repeat(K + 4 * G / 3, 3), 98 np.repeat(np.sqrt(2) * (K - 2 * G / 3), 3), 99 np.repeat(2 * G, 3), 100 np.repeat(0, 12), 101 ) 102 ) 103 voigt_vector = _tensors.voigt_matrix_to_vector(voigt_matrix) 104 out["percent_anisotropy"][m] = ( 105 la.norm(voigt_vector - isotropic_vector) / la.norm(voigt_vector) * 100 106 ) 107 108 # Search for SCCS axes (orthogonal axes defined intrinsically by 109 # eigenstrains of the elastic tensor). 110 unpermuted_SCCS = np.empty((3, 3)) 111 eigv_dij = la.eigh(stiffness_dilat)[1] 112 eigv_vij = la.eigh(stiffness_deviat)[1] 113 # Averaging of eigenvectors to get the symmetry axes. 114 for i in range(3): 115 index_vij = 0 # [i(+1?)] of v_ij = eigvect that is nearest to the d_ij one. 116 angle = 10 # Initialise to any number > 2π radians. 117 for j in range(3): 118 # Calculate angle between a pair of eigenvectors. 119 # One eigenvector is taken from v_ij and one from d_ij. 120 # Do not distinguish between vectors in opposite directions. 121 dot_eigvects =[:, i], eigv_vij[:, j]) 122 angle_eigvects = smallest_angle(eigv_dij[:, i], eigv_vij[:, j]) 123 if angle_eigvects < angle: 124 angle = angle_eigvects 125 # NOTE: Differences between ASPECT And original implementation: 126 # - In C++, std::copysign(1.0, 0.0) returns -1. 127 # - In Fortran 90, sign(1.0, 0.0) returns 1. 128 # - ASPECT implementation uses 'j' instead of 'j+1', doesn't seem to 129 # make a difference using the equivalent change for vec_SCSS = ... 130 index_vij = np.sign(dot_eigvects) * j if dot_eigvects != 0 else j 131 # index_vij = ( 132 # np.sign(dot_eigvects) * (j + 1) 133 # if dot_eigvects != 0 134 # else (j + 1) 135 # ) 136 137 # Add/subtract the nearest v_ij eigenvector multiplied by the signed index, 138 # which effectively rotates the d_ij eigenvector, and then normalise it. 139 vec_SCCS = ( 140 eigv_dij[:, i] + index_vij * eigv_vij[:, int(abs(index_vij))] 141 ) / 2 142 # vec_SCSS = ( 143 # eigv_dij[:, i] + index_vij * eigv_vij[:, int(abs(index_vij) - 1)] 144 # ) / 2 145 vec_SCCS /= la.norm(vec_SCCS) 146 unpermuted_SCCS[:, i] = vec_SCCS 147 148 # Determine SCCS permutation that gives best hexagonal approximation. 149 # This is achieved by minimising the "distance" between the voigt vector and its 150 # projection onto the hexagonal symmetry subspace. 151 # The elastic tensor is rotated into this system for decomposition. 152 elastic_tensor = _tensors.voigt_to_elastic_tensor(voigt_matrix) 153 distance = la.norm(voigt_vector) 154 for i in range(3): 155 permuted_SCCS = unpermuted_SCCS[:, [(i + j) % 3 for j in range(3)]] 156 rotated_voigt_matrix = _tensors.elastic_tensor_to_voigt( 157 _tensors.rotate(elastic_tensor, permuted_SCCS.transpose()) 158 ) 159 rotated_voigt_vector = _tensors.voigt_matrix_to_vector(rotated_voigt_matrix) 160 mono_and_higher_vector = _tensors.mono_project(rotated_voigt_vector) 161 tric_vector = rotated_voigt_vector - mono_and_higher_vector 162 ortho_and_higher_vector = _tensors.ortho_project(mono_and_higher_vector) 163 tetr_and_higher_vector = _tensors.tetr_project(ortho_and_higher_vector) 164 hex_and_higher_vector = _tensors.hex_project(tetr_and_higher_vector) 165 mono_vector = mono_and_higher_vector - ortho_and_higher_vector 166 ortho_vector = ortho_and_higher_vector - tetr_and_higher_vector 167 tetr_vector = tetr_and_higher_vector - hex_and_higher_vector 168 hex_vector = hex_and_higher_vector - isotropic_vector 169 170 δ = la.norm(rotated_voigt_vector - hex_and_higher_vector) 171 if δ < distance: 172 distance = δ 173 174 percent = 100 / la.norm(voigt_vector) 175 # print("\n", _tensors.voigt_vector_to_matrix(hex_vector)) 176 out["percent_triclinic"][m] = la.norm(tric_vector) * percent 177 out["percent_monoclinic"][m] = la.norm(mono_vector) * percent 178 out["percent_orthorhombic"][m] = la.norm(ortho_vector) * percent 179 out["percent_tetragonal"][m] = la.norm(tetr_vector) * percent 180 out["percent_hexagonal"][m] = la.norm(hex_vector) * percent 181 # Last SCCS axis is always the hexagonal symmetry axis. 182 out["hexagonal_axis"][m, ...] = permuted_SCCS[:, 2] 183 return out
Calculate elasticity decompositions for the given elasticity tensors.
— the Nx6x6 Voigt matrix representations of the averaged elasticity tensors for a series of N polycrystal textures
Returns a dictionary with the following data series:
— the computed bulk modulus for each Voigt matrix C'shear_modulus'
— the computed shear modulus for each Voigt matrix C'percent_anisotropy'
— for each Voigt matrix C, the total percentage of the norm of the elastic tensor ||C|| that deviates from the norm of the "closest" isotropic elasticity tensor'percent_hexagonal'
— for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to a hexagonally symmetric bulk medium'percent_tetragonal'
— for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to a tetragonally symmetric bulk medium'percent_orthorhombic'
— for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to an orthorhombically symmetric bulk medium'percent_monoclinic'
— for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to a monoclinically symmetric bulk medium'percent_triclinic'
— for each C, the percentage of ||C|| attributed to a triclinically "symmetric" bulk medium (no mirror planes)'hexagonal_axis'
— for each C, the axis of hexagonal symmetry for the "closest" hexagonally symmetric approximation to C, a.k.a. the "transverse isotropy" axis
Only 5 symmetry classes are relevant for elasticity decomposition, compared to the usual 6 used to describe crystal families. Crystals with cubic symmetry contribute to the isotropic elasticity tensor, because the lattice spacing is identical in all orthogonal directions. Note also that the trigonal crystal system is not a crystal family (it belongs to the hexagonal family).
186def bingham_average(orientations: np.ndarray, axis: str = "a"): 187 """Compute Bingham average of orientation matrices. 188 189 Returns the antipodally symmetric average orientation 190 of the given crystallographic `axis`, or the a-axis by default. 191 Valid axis specifiers are "a" for [100], "b" for [010] and "c" for [001]. 192 193 See also: [Watson (1966)](, 194 [Mardia & Jupp, “Directional Statistics”]( 195 196 """ 197 match axis: 198 case "a": 199 row = 0 200 case "b": 201 row = 1 202 case "c": 203 row = 2 204 case _: 205 raise ValueError(f"axis must be 'a', 'b', or 'c', not {axis}") 206 207 # 208 # Eigenvector corresponding to largest eigenvalue is the mean direction. 209 # SciPy returns eigenvalues in ascending order (same order for vectors). 210 # SciPy uses lower triangular entries by default, no need for all components. 211 mean_vector = la.eigh(_stats._scatter_matrix(np.asarray(orientations), row))[1][ 212 :, -1 213 ] 214 return mean_vector / la.norm(mean_vector)
Compute Bingham average of orientation matrices.
Returns the antipodally symmetric average orientation
of the given crystallographic axis
, or the a-axis by default.
Valid axis specifiers are "a" for [100], "b" for [010] and "c" for [001].
See also: Watson (1966), Mardia & Jupp, “Directional Statistics”.
217def finite_strain(deformation_gradient: np.ndarray, driver="ev"): 218 """Extract measures of finite strain from the deformation gradient. 219 220 Extracts the largest principal strain value and the vector defining the axis of 221 maximum extension (longest semiaxis of the finite strain ellipsoid) from the 3x3 222 deformation gradient tensor. 223 224 """ 225 # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the left stretch (Cauchy-Green) tensor. 226 B_λ, B_v = la.eigh( 227 deformation_gradient @ deformation_gradient.transpose(), 228 driver=driver, 229 ) 230 # Stretch ratio is sqrt(λ) - 1, the (-1) is so that undeformed strain is 0 not 1. 231 return np.sqrt(B_λ[-1]) - 1, B_v[:, -1]
Extract measures of finite strain from the deformation gradient.
Extracts the largest principal strain value and the vector defining the axis of maximum extension (longest semiaxis of the finite strain ellipsoid) from the 3x3 deformation gradient tensor.
234def symmetry_pgr(orientations: np.ndarray, axis="a"): 235 r"""Compute texture symmetry eigenvalue diagnostics from grain orientation matrices. 236 237 Compute Point, Girdle and Random symmetry diagnostics 238 for ternary texture classification. 239 Returns the tuple (P, G, R) where 240 $$ 241 \begin{align\*} 242 P &= (λ_{1} - λ_{2}) / N \cr 243 G &= 2 (λ_{2} - λ_{3}) / N \cr 244 R &= 3 λ_{3} / N 245 \end{align\*} 246 $$ 247 with $N$ the sum of the eigenvalues $λ_{1} ≥ λ_{2} ≥ λ_{3}$ 248 of the scatter (inertia) matrix. 249 250 See e.g. [Vollmer (1990)](;2). 251 252 """ 253 match axis: 254 case "a": 255 row = 0 256 case "b": 257 row = 1 258 case "c": 259 row = 2 260 case _: 261 raise ValueError(f"axis must be 'a', 'b', or 'c', not {axis}") 262 263 scatter = _stats._scatter_matrix(orientations, row) 264 # SciPy uses lower triangular entries by default, no need for all components. 265 eigvals_descending = la.eigvalsh(scatter)[::-1] 266 sum_eigvals = np.sum(eigvals_descending) 267 return ( 268 (eigvals_descending[0] - eigvals_descending[1]) / sum_eigvals, 269 2 * (eigvals_descending[1] - eigvals_descending[2]) / sum_eigvals, 270 3 * eigvals_descending[2] / sum_eigvals, 271 )
Compute texture symmetry eigenvalue diagnostics from grain orientation matrices.
Compute Point, Girdle and Random symmetry diagnostics for ternary texture classification. Returns the tuple (P, G, R) where with the sum of the eigenvalues of the scatter (inertia) matrix.
See e.g. Vollmer (1990).
274def misorientation_indices( 275 orientation_stack: np.ndarray, 276 system: _geo.LatticeSystem, 277 bins: int | None = None, 278 ncpus: int | None = None, 279 pool=None, 280): 281 """Calculate M-indices for a series of polycrystal textures. 282 283 Calculate M-index using `misorientation_index` for a series of texture snapshots. 284 The `orientation_stack` is a NxMx3x3 array of orientations where N is the number of 285 texture snapshots and M is the number of grains. 286 287 Uses either Ray or the Python multiprocessing library to calculate texture indices 288 for multiple snapshots simultaneously. The arguments `ncpus` and `pool` are only 289 relevant to the latter option: if `ncpus` is `None` the number of CPU cores to use 290 is chosen automatically based on the maximum number available to the Python 291 interpreter, otherwise the specified number of cores is requested. Alternatively, an 292 existing instance of `multiprocessing.Pool` can be provided. 293 294 If Ray is installed, it will be automatically preferred. In this case, the number of 295 parallel workers should be set upon initialisation of the Ray cluster (which can be 296 distributed over the network). 297 298 See `misorientation_index` for documentation of the remaining arguments. 299 300 """ 301 if ncpus is not None and pool is not None: 302 _log.warning("ignoring `ncpus` argument because a Pool was provided") 303 m_indices = np.empty(len(orientation_stack)) 304 _run = ft.partial( 305 misorientation_index, 306 system=system, 307 bins=bins, 308 ) 309 if pool is None: 310 if ncpus is None: 311 ncpus = _utils.default_ncpus() 312 with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool: 313 for i, out in enumerate(pool.imap(_run, orientation_stack)): 314 m_indices[i] = out 315 else: 316 if HAS_RAY: 317 m_indices = np.array( 318 ray.get( 319 [ 320 _dstr.misorientation_index.remote( 321 ray.put(a), system=system, bins=bins 322 ) 323 for a in orientation_stack 324 ] 325 ) 326 ) 327 else: 328 for i, out in enumerate(pool.imap(_run, orientation_stack)): 329 m_indices[i] = out 330 return m_indices
Calculate M-indices for a series of polycrystal textures.
Calculate M-index using misorientation_index
for a series of texture snapshots.
The orientation_stack
is a NxMx3x3 array of orientations where N is the number of
texture snapshots and M is the number of grains.
Uses either Ray or the Python multiprocessing library to calculate texture indices
for multiple snapshots simultaneously. The arguments ncpus
and pool
are only
relevant to the latter option: if ncpus
is None
the number of CPU cores to use
is chosen automatically based on the maximum number available to the Python
interpreter, otherwise the specified number of cores is requested. Alternatively, an
existing instance of multiprocessing.Pool
can be provided.
If Ray is installed, it will be automatically preferred. In this case, the number of parallel workers should be set upon initialisation of the Ray cluster (which can be distributed over the network).
See misorientation_index
for documentation of the remaining arguments.
333def misorientation_index( 334 orientations: np.ndarray, system: _geo.LatticeSystem, bins: int | None = None 335): 336 r"""Calculate M-index for polycrystal orientations. 337 338 The `bins` argument is passed to `numpy.histogram`. 339 If left as `None`, 1° bins will be used as recommended by the reference paper. 340 The `symmetry` argument specifies the lattice system which determines intrinsic 341 symmetry degeneracies and the maximum allowable misorientation angle. 342 See `_geo.LatticeSystem` for supported systems. 343 344 .. warning:: 345 This method must be able to allocate an array of shape 346 $ \frac{N!}{2(N-2)!}× M^{2} $ 347 for N the length of `orientations` and M the number of symmetry operations for 348 the given `system`. 349 350 See [Skemer et al. (2005)]( 351 352 """ 353 θmax = _stats._max_misorientation(system) 354 misorientations_count, bin_edges = _stats.misorientation_hist( 355 orientations, system, bins 356 ) 357 # Compute counts of theoretical misorientation for an isotropic aggregate, 358 # using the same bins (Skemer 2005 recommend 1° bins). 359 misorientations_theory = np.array( 360 [ 361 _stats.misorientations_random(bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1], system) 362 for i in range(len(misorientations_count)) 363 ] 364 ) 365 # Equation 2 in Skemer 2005. 366 return (θmax / (2 * len(misorientations_count))) * np.sum( 367 np.abs(misorientations_theory - misorientations_count) 368 )
Calculate M-index for polycrystal orientations.
The bins
argument is passed to numpy.histogram
If left as None
, 1° bins will be used as recommended by the reference paper.
The symmetry
argument specifies the lattice system which determines intrinsic
symmetry degeneracies and the maximum allowable misorientation angle.
See _geo.LatticeSystem
for supported systems.
This method must be able to allocate an array of shape
for N the length of orientations
and M the number of symmetry operations for
the given system
See Skemer et al. (2005).
371def coaxial_index(orientations: np.ndarray, axis1: str = "b", axis2: str = "a"): 372 r"""Calculate coaxial “BA” index for a combination of two crystal axes. 373 374 The BA index of [Mainprice et al. (2015)]( 375 is derived from the eigenvalue `symmetry` diagnostics and measures point vs girdle 376 symmetry in the aggregate. $BA ∈ [0, 1]$ where $BA = 0$ corresponds to a perfect 377 axial girdle texture and $BA = 1$ represents a point symmetry texture assuming that 378 the random component $R$ is negligible. May be less susceptible to random 379 fluctuations compared to the raw eigenvalue diagnostics. 380 381 """ 382 P1, G1, _ = symmetry_pgr(orientations, axis=axis1) 383 P2, G2, _ = symmetry_pgr(orientations, axis=axis2) 384 return 0.5 * (2 - (P1 / (G1 + P1)) - (G2 / (G2 + P2)))
Calculate coaxial “BA” index for a combination of two crystal axes.
The BA index of Mainprice et al. (2015)
is derived from the eigenvalue symmetry
diagnostics and measures point vs girdle
symmetry in the aggregate. where corresponds to a perfect
axial girdle texture and represents a point symmetry texture assuming that
the random component is negligible. May be less susceptible to random
fluctuations compared to the raw eigenvalue diagnostics.
387@nb.njit(fastmath=True) 388def smallest_angle( 389 vector: np.ndarray, axis: np.ndarray, plane: np.ndarray | None = None 390): 391 """Get smallest angle between a unit `vector` and a bidirectional `axis`. 392 393 The axis is specified using either of its two parallel unit vectors. 394 Optionally project the vector onto the `plane` (given by its unit normal) 395 before calculating the angle. 396 397 Examples: 398 399 >>> import numpy as np 400 >>> def f64(x): return np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) 401 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]))) 402 0 403 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([0e0, 1e0, 0e0]))) 404 90 405 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([0e0, -1e0, 0e0]))) 406 90 407 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2), 0e0]))) 408 45 409 >>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([-np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2), 0e0]))) 410 45 411 412 """ 413 if plane is not None: 414 _vector = vector - plane *, plane) 415 else: 416 _vector = vector 417 angle = np.rad2deg( 418 np.arccos( 419 np.clip( 420 np.asarray( # 421, axis) 422 / (np.linalg.norm(_vector) * np.linalg.norm(axis)) 423 ), 424 -1, 425 1, 426 ) 427 ) 428 ) 429 if angle > 90: 430 return 180 - angle 431 return angle
Get smallest angle between a unit vector
and a bidirectional axis
The axis is specified using either of its two parallel unit vectors.
Optionally project the vector onto the plane
(given by its unit normal)
before calculating the angle.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def f64(x): return np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64)
>>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0])))
>>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([0e0, 1e0, 0e0])))
>>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([0e0, -1e0, 0e0])))
>>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2), 0e0])))
>>> int(smallest_angle(f64([1e0, 0e0, 0e0]), f64([-np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2), 0e0])))