
PyDRex: Simple shear 3D tests.

  1"""> PyDRex: Simple shear 3D tests."""
  3import contextlib as cl
  4import functools as ft
  5from time import process_time
  7import numpy as np
  8import pytest
 10from pydrex import core as _core
 11from pydrex import diagnostics as _diagnostics
 12from pydrex import geometry as _geo
 13from pydrex import io as _io
 14from pydrex import logger as _log
 15from pydrex import minerals as _minerals
 16from pydrex import stats as _stats
 17from pydrex import utils as _utils
 18from pydrex import velocity as _velocity
 20Pool, HAS_RAY = _utils.import_proc_pool()
 21if HAS_RAY:
 22    import ray  # noqa: F401
 24    from pydrex import distributed as _dstr  # noqa: F401
 26# Subdirectory of `outdir` used to store outputs from these tests.
 27SUBDIR = "3d_simple_shear"
 30class TestFraters2021:
 31    """Tests inspired by the benchmarks presented in [Fraters & Billen, 2021].
 33    [Fraters & Billen, 2021]: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009846
 35    """
 37    class_id = "Fraters2021"
 39    @classmethod
 40    def run(
 41        cls,
 42        params,
 43        timestamps,
 44        get_velocity_gradient_initial,
 45        get_velocity_gradient_final,
 46        switch_time,
 47        msg,
 48        seed=None,
 49    ):
 50        """Run simulation with stationary particles in the given velocity gradient.
 52        The optional RNG `seed` is used for the initial pseudorandom orientations.
 53        A prefix `msg` will be printed before each timestep log message if given.
 54        Other keyword args are passed to `pydrex.Mineral.update_orientations`.
 56        Returns a tuple containing one olivine (A-type) and one enstatite mineral.
 57        If `params["enstatite_fraction"]` is zero, then the second tuple element will be
 58        `None` instead.
 60        """
 62        def get_position(t):
 63            return np.full(3, np.nan)
 65        olivine = _minerals.Mineral(
 66            phase=_core.MineralPhase.olivine,
 67            fabric=_core.MineralFabric.olivine_A,
 68            regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
 69            n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 70            seed=seed,
 71        )
 72        if params["enstatite_fraction"] > 0:
 73            enstatite = _minerals.Mineral(
 74                phase=_core.MineralPhase.enstatite,
 75                fabric=_core.MineralFabric.enstatite_AB,
 76                regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
 77                n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 78                seed=seed,
 79            )
 80        else:
 81            enstatite = None
 82        deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)  # Undeformed initial state.
 84        for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
 85            _log.info(
 86                "%s; # %d; step %d/%d (t = %s)", msg, seed, t, len(timestamps) - 1, time
 87            )
 88            if time > switch_time:
 89                get_velocity_gradient = get_velocity_gradient_final
 90            else:
 91                get_velocity_gradient = get_velocity_gradient_initial
 93            if params["enstatite_fraction"] > 0:
 94                enstatite.update_orientations(
 95                    params,
 96                    deformation_gradient,
 97                    get_velocity_gradient,
 98                    pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
 99                )
100            deformation_gradient = olivine.update_orientations(
101                params,
102                deformation_gradient,
103                get_velocity_gradient,
104                pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
105            )
106            _log.debug(
107                "› velocity gradient = %s",
108                get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.full(3, np.nan)).flatten(),
109            )
110        return olivine, enstatite
112    @pytest.mark.slow
113    @pytest.mark.parametrize("switch_time_Ma", [0, 1, 2.5, np.inf])
114    def test_direction_change(
115        self, outdir, seeds, params_Fraters2021, switch_time_Ma, ncpus, ray_session
116    ):
117        """Test a-axis alignment in simple shear with instantaneous geometry change.
119        The simulation runs for 5 Ma with a strain rate of 1.58e-14/s, resulting in an
120        accumulated strain invariant of 2.5.
122        The initial shear has nonzero du/dz and the final shear has nonzero dv/dx where
123        u is the velocity along X and v the velocity along Y.
125        """
126        # Strain rate in units of strain per year, avoids tiny numbers ∼1e-14.
127        strain_rate = 5e-7
128        # With 500 steps, each step is ~3e11 seconds which is about as small as
129        # geodynamic modelling could feasibly go in most cases.
130        n_timestamps = 500
131        # Solve until D₀t=2.5 ('shear' γ=5).
132        timestamps = np.linspace(0, 5e6, n_timestamps)
133        _seeds = seeds[:500]  # 500 runs as per Fraters & Billen, 2021, Figure 5.
134        n_seeds = len(_seeds)
136        _, get_velocity_gradient_initial = _velocity.simple_shear_2d(
137            "X", "Z", strain_rate
138        )
139        _, get_velocity_gradient_final = _velocity.simple_shear_2d(
140            "Y", "X", strain_rate
141        )
143        # Output arrays for mean [100] angles.
144        olA_from_proj_XZ = np.empty((n_seeds, n_timestamps))
145        olA_from_proj_YX = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
146        ens_from_proj_XZ = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
147        ens_from_proj_YX = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
148        # Output arrays for M-index (CPO strength).
149        olA_strength = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
150        ens_strength = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
152        _id = _io.stringify(switch_time_Ma * 1e6)
153        optional_logging = cl.nullcontext()
154        if outdir is not None:
155            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_direction_change_{_id}"
156            optional_logging = _io.logfile_enable(f"{out_basepath}.log")
158        with optional_logging:
159            clock_start = process_time()
160            _run = ft.partial(
161                self.run,
162                params_Fraters2021,
163                timestamps,
164                get_velocity_gradient_initial,
165                get_velocity_gradient_final,
166                switch_time_Ma * 1e6,
167                _id,
168            )
169            with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
170                for s, out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_run, _seeds)):
171                    olivine, enstatite = out
172                    _log.info("%s; # %d; postprocessing olivine...", _id, _seeds[s])
173                    olA_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
174                        olivine.orientations, olivine.fractions, seed=_seeds[s]
175                    )
176                    olA_mean_vectors = np.array(
177                        [
178                            _diagnostics.bingham_average(dcm, axis="a")
179                            for dcm in olA_resampled
180                        ]
181                    )
182                    olA_from_proj_XZ[s, :] = np.array(
183                        [
184                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 1, 0])
185                            for v in olA_mean_vectors
186                        ]
187                    )
188                    olA_from_proj_YX[s, :] = np.array(
189                        [
190                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 0, 1])
191                            for v in olA_mean_vectors
192                        ]
193                    )
194                    olA_downsampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
195                        olivine.orientations,
196                        olivine.fractions,
197                        seed=_seeds[s],
198                        n_samples=1000,
199                    )
200                    olA_strength[s, :] = _diagnostics.misorientation_indices(
201                        olA_downsampled, _geo.LatticeSystem.orthorhombic, pool=pool
202                    )
204                    del olivine, olA_resampled, olA_mean_vectors
206                    _log.info("%s; # %d; postprocessing enstatite...", _id, _seeds[s])
207                    ens_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
208                        enstatite.orientations, enstatite.fractions, seed=_seeds[s]
209                    )
210                    ens_mean_vectors = np.array(
211                        [
212                            _diagnostics.bingham_average(dcm, axis="a")
213                            for dcm in ens_resampled
214                        ]
215                    )
216                    ens_from_proj_XZ[s, :] = np.array(
217                        [
218                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 1, 0])
219                            for v in ens_mean_vectors
220                        ]
221                    )
222                    ens_from_proj_YX[s, :] = np.array(
223                        [
224                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 0, 1])
225                            for v in ens_mean_vectors
226                        ]
227                    )
228                    ens_downsampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
229                        enstatite.orientations,
230                        enstatite.fractions,
231                        seed=_seeds[s],
232                        n_samples=1000,
233                    )
234                    ens_strength[s, :] = _diagnostics.misorientation_indices(
235                        ens_downsampled, _geo.LatticeSystem.orthorhombic, pool=pool
236                    )
237                    del enstatite, ens_resampled, ens_mean_vectors
239            _log.info("elapsed CPU time: %s", np.abs(process_time() - clock_start))
240            _log.info("calculating ensemble averages...")
241            olA_from_proj_XZ_mean = olA_from_proj_XZ.mean(axis=0)
242            olA_from_proj_XZ_err = olA_from_proj_XZ.std(axis=0)
244            olA_from_proj_YX_mean = olA_from_proj_YX.mean(axis=0)
245            olA_from_proj_YX_err = olA_from_proj_YX.std(axis=0)
247            ens_from_proj_XZ_mean = ens_from_proj_XZ.mean(axis=0)
248            ens_from_proj_XZ_err = ens_from_proj_XZ.std(axis=0)
250            ens_from_proj_YX_mean = ens_from_proj_YX.mean(axis=0)
251            ens_from_proj_YX_err = ens_from_proj_YX.std(axis=0)
253            if outdir is not None:
254                np.savez(
255                    f"{out_basepath}.npz",
256                    olA_from_proj_XZ_mean=olA_from_proj_XZ_mean,
257                    olA_from_proj_XZ_err=olA_from_proj_XZ_err,
258                    olA_from_proj_YX_mean=olA_from_proj_YX_mean,
259                    olA_from_proj_YX_err=olA_from_proj_YX_err,
260                    ens_from_proj_XZ_mean=ens_from_proj_XZ_mean,
261                    ens_from_proj_XZ_err=ens_from_proj_XZ_err,
262                    ens_from_proj_YX_mean=ens_from_proj_YX_mean,
263                    ens_from_proj_YX_err=ens_from_proj_YX_err,
264                )
265                np.savez(
266                    f"{out_basepath}_strength.npz",
267                    olA_mean=olA_strength.mean(axis=0),
268                    ens_mean=ens_strength.mean(axis=0),
269                    olA_err=olA_strength.std(axis=0),
270                    ens_err=ens_strength.std(axis=0),
271                )
SUBDIR = '3d_simple_shear'
class TestFraters2021:
 31class TestFraters2021:
 32    """Tests inspired by the benchmarks presented in [Fraters & Billen, 2021].
 34    [Fraters & Billen, 2021]: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009846
 36    """
 38    class_id = "Fraters2021"
 40    @classmethod
 41    def run(
 42        cls,
 43        params,
 44        timestamps,
 45        get_velocity_gradient_initial,
 46        get_velocity_gradient_final,
 47        switch_time,
 48        msg,
 49        seed=None,
 50    ):
 51        """Run simulation with stationary particles in the given velocity gradient.
 53        The optional RNG `seed` is used for the initial pseudorandom orientations.
 54        A prefix `msg` will be printed before each timestep log message if given.
 55        Other keyword args are passed to `pydrex.Mineral.update_orientations`.
 57        Returns a tuple containing one olivine (A-type) and one enstatite mineral.
 58        If `params["enstatite_fraction"]` is zero, then the second tuple element will be
 59        `None` instead.
 61        """
 63        def get_position(t):
 64            return np.full(3, np.nan)
 66        olivine = _minerals.Mineral(
 67            phase=_core.MineralPhase.olivine,
 68            fabric=_core.MineralFabric.olivine_A,
 69            regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
 70            n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 71            seed=seed,
 72        )
 73        if params["enstatite_fraction"] > 0:
 74            enstatite = _minerals.Mineral(
 75                phase=_core.MineralPhase.enstatite,
 76                fabric=_core.MineralFabric.enstatite_AB,
 77                regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
 78                n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 79                seed=seed,
 80            )
 81        else:
 82            enstatite = None
 83        deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)  # Undeformed initial state.
 85        for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
 86            _log.info(
 87                "%s; # %d; step %d/%d (t = %s)", msg, seed, t, len(timestamps) - 1, time
 88            )
 89            if time > switch_time:
 90                get_velocity_gradient = get_velocity_gradient_final
 91            else:
 92                get_velocity_gradient = get_velocity_gradient_initial
 94            if params["enstatite_fraction"] > 0:
 95                enstatite.update_orientations(
 96                    params,
 97                    deformation_gradient,
 98                    get_velocity_gradient,
 99                    pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
100                )
101            deformation_gradient = olivine.update_orientations(
102                params,
103                deformation_gradient,
104                get_velocity_gradient,
105                pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
106            )
107            _log.debug(
108                "› velocity gradient = %s",
109                get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.full(3, np.nan)).flatten(),
110            )
111        return olivine, enstatite
113    @pytest.mark.slow
114    @pytest.mark.parametrize("switch_time_Ma", [0, 1, 2.5, np.inf])
115    def test_direction_change(
116        self, outdir, seeds, params_Fraters2021, switch_time_Ma, ncpus, ray_session
117    ):
118        """Test a-axis alignment in simple shear with instantaneous geometry change.
120        The simulation runs for 5 Ma with a strain rate of 1.58e-14/s, resulting in an
121        accumulated strain invariant of 2.5.
123        The initial shear has nonzero du/dz and the final shear has nonzero dv/dx where
124        u is the velocity along X and v the velocity along Y.
126        """
127        # Strain rate in units of strain per year, avoids tiny numbers ∼1e-14.
128        strain_rate = 5e-7
129        # With 500 steps, each step is ~3e11 seconds which is about as small as
130        # geodynamic modelling could feasibly go in most cases.
131        n_timestamps = 500
132        # Solve until D₀t=2.5 ('shear' γ=5).
133        timestamps = np.linspace(0, 5e6, n_timestamps)
134        _seeds = seeds[:500]  # 500 runs as per Fraters & Billen, 2021, Figure 5.
135        n_seeds = len(_seeds)
137        _, get_velocity_gradient_initial = _velocity.simple_shear_2d(
138            "X", "Z", strain_rate
139        )
140        _, get_velocity_gradient_final = _velocity.simple_shear_2d(
141            "Y", "X", strain_rate
142        )
144        # Output arrays for mean [100] angles.
145        olA_from_proj_XZ = np.empty((n_seeds, n_timestamps))
146        olA_from_proj_YX = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
147        ens_from_proj_XZ = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
148        ens_from_proj_YX = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
149        # Output arrays for M-index (CPO strength).
150        olA_strength = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
151        ens_strength = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
153        _id = _io.stringify(switch_time_Ma * 1e6)
154        optional_logging = cl.nullcontext()
155        if outdir is not None:
156            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_direction_change_{_id}"
157            optional_logging = _io.logfile_enable(f"{out_basepath}.log")
159        with optional_logging:
160            clock_start = process_time()
161            _run = ft.partial(
162                self.run,
163                params_Fraters2021,
164                timestamps,
165                get_velocity_gradient_initial,
166                get_velocity_gradient_final,
167                switch_time_Ma * 1e6,
168                _id,
169            )
170            with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
171                for s, out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_run, _seeds)):
172                    olivine, enstatite = out
173                    _log.info("%s; # %d; postprocessing olivine...", _id, _seeds[s])
174                    olA_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
175                        olivine.orientations, olivine.fractions, seed=_seeds[s]
176                    )
177                    olA_mean_vectors = np.array(
178                        [
179                            _diagnostics.bingham_average(dcm, axis="a")
180                            for dcm in olA_resampled
181                        ]
182                    )
183                    olA_from_proj_XZ[s, :] = np.array(
184                        [
185                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 1, 0])
186                            for v in olA_mean_vectors
187                        ]
188                    )
189                    olA_from_proj_YX[s, :] = np.array(
190                        [
191                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 0, 1])
192                            for v in olA_mean_vectors
193                        ]
194                    )
195                    olA_downsampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
196                        olivine.orientations,
197                        olivine.fractions,
198                        seed=_seeds[s],
199                        n_samples=1000,
200                    )
201                    olA_strength[s, :] = _diagnostics.misorientation_indices(
202                        olA_downsampled, _geo.LatticeSystem.orthorhombic, pool=pool
203                    )
205                    del olivine, olA_resampled, olA_mean_vectors
207                    _log.info("%s; # %d; postprocessing enstatite...", _id, _seeds[s])
208                    ens_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
209                        enstatite.orientations, enstatite.fractions, seed=_seeds[s]
210                    )
211                    ens_mean_vectors = np.array(
212                        [
213                            _diagnostics.bingham_average(dcm, axis="a")
214                            for dcm in ens_resampled
215                        ]
216                    )
217                    ens_from_proj_XZ[s, :] = np.array(
218                        [
219                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 1, 0])
220                            for v in ens_mean_vectors
221                        ]
222                    )
223                    ens_from_proj_YX[s, :] = np.array(
224                        [
225                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 0, 1])
226                            for v in ens_mean_vectors
227                        ]
228                    )
229                    ens_downsampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
230                        enstatite.orientations,
231                        enstatite.fractions,
232                        seed=_seeds[s],
233                        n_samples=1000,
234                    )
235                    ens_strength[s, :] = _diagnostics.misorientation_indices(
236                        ens_downsampled, _geo.LatticeSystem.orthorhombic, pool=pool
237                    )
238                    del enstatite, ens_resampled, ens_mean_vectors
240            _log.info("elapsed CPU time: %s", np.abs(process_time() - clock_start))
241            _log.info("calculating ensemble averages...")
242            olA_from_proj_XZ_mean = olA_from_proj_XZ.mean(axis=0)
243            olA_from_proj_XZ_err = olA_from_proj_XZ.std(axis=0)
245            olA_from_proj_YX_mean = olA_from_proj_YX.mean(axis=0)
246            olA_from_proj_YX_err = olA_from_proj_YX.std(axis=0)
248            ens_from_proj_XZ_mean = ens_from_proj_XZ.mean(axis=0)
249            ens_from_proj_XZ_err = ens_from_proj_XZ.std(axis=0)
251            ens_from_proj_YX_mean = ens_from_proj_YX.mean(axis=0)
252            ens_from_proj_YX_err = ens_from_proj_YX.std(axis=0)
254            if outdir is not None:
255                np.savez(
256                    f"{out_basepath}.npz",
257                    olA_from_proj_XZ_mean=olA_from_proj_XZ_mean,
258                    olA_from_proj_XZ_err=olA_from_proj_XZ_err,
259                    olA_from_proj_YX_mean=olA_from_proj_YX_mean,
260                    olA_from_proj_YX_err=olA_from_proj_YX_err,
261                    ens_from_proj_XZ_mean=ens_from_proj_XZ_mean,
262                    ens_from_proj_XZ_err=ens_from_proj_XZ_err,
263                    ens_from_proj_YX_mean=ens_from_proj_YX_mean,
264                    ens_from_proj_YX_err=ens_from_proj_YX_err,
265                )
266                np.savez(
267                    f"{out_basepath}_strength.npz",
268                    olA_mean=olA_strength.mean(axis=0),
269                    ens_mean=ens_strength.mean(axis=0),
270                    olA_err=olA_strength.std(axis=0),
271                    ens_err=ens_strength.std(axis=0),
272                )

Tests inspired by the benchmarks presented in [Fraters & Billen, 2021].

class_id = 'Fraters2021'
def run( cls, params, timestamps, get_velocity_gradient_initial, get_velocity_gradient_final, switch_time, msg, seed=None):
 40    @classmethod
 41    def run(
 42        cls,
 43        params,
 44        timestamps,
 45        get_velocity_gradient_initial,
 46        get_velocity_gradient_final,
 47        switch_time,
 48        msg,
 49        seed=None,
 50    ):
 51        """Run simulation with stationary particles in the given velocity gradient.
 53        The optional RNG `seed` is used for the initial pseudorandom orientations.
 54        A prefix `msg` will be printed before each timestep log message if given.
 55        Other keyword args are passed to `pydrex.Mineral.update_orientations`.
 57        Returns a tuple containing one olivine (A-type) and one enstatite mineral.
 58        If `params["enstatite_fraction"]` is zero, then the second tuple element will be
 59        `None` instead.
 61        """
 63        def get_position(t):
 64            return np.full(3, np.nan)
 66        olivine = _minerals.Mineral(
 67            phase=_core.MineralPhase.olivine,
 68            fabric=_core.MineralFabric.olivine_A,
 69            regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
 70            n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 71            seed=seed,
 72        )
 73        if params["enstatite_fraction"] > 0:
 74            enstatite = _minerals.Mineral(
 75                phase=_core.MineralPhase.enstatite,
 76                fabric=_core.MineralFabric.enstatite_AB,
 77                regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
 78                n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 79                seed=seed,
 80            )
 81        else:
 82            enstatite = None
 83        deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)  # Undeformed initial state.
 85        for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
 86            _log.info(
 87                "%s; # %d; step %d/%d (t = %s)", msg, seed, t, len(timestamps) - 1, time
 88            )
 89            if time > switch_time:
 90                get_velocity_gradient = get_velocity_gradient_final
 91            else:
 92                get_velocity_gradient = get_velocity_gradient_initial
 94            if params["enstatite_fraction"] > 0:
 95                enstatite.update_orientations(
 96                    params,
 97                    deformation_gradient,
 98                    get_velocity_gradient,
 99                    pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
100                )
101            deformation_gradient = olivine.update_orientations(
102                params,
103                deformation_gradient,
104                get_velocity_gradient,
105                pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
106            )
107            _log.debug(
108                "› velocity gradient = %s",
109                get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.full(3, np.nan)).flatten(),
110            )
111        return olivine, enstatite

Run simulation with stationary particles in the given velocity gradient.

The optional RNG seed is used for the initial pseudorandom orientations. A prefix msg will be printed before each timestep log message if given. Other keyword args are passed to pydrex.Mineral.update_orientations.

Returns a tuple containing one olivine (A-type) and one enstatite mineral. If params["enstatite_fraction"] is zero, then the second tuple element will be None instead.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('switch_time_Ma', [0, 1, 2.5, np.inf])
def test_direction_change( self, outdir, seeds, params_Fraters2021, switch_time_Ma, ncpus, ray_session):
113    @pytest.mark.slow
114    @pytest.mark.parametrize("switch_time_Ma", [0, 1, 2.5, np.inf])
115    def test_direction_change(
116        self, outdir, seeds, params_Fraters2021, switch_time_Ma, ncpus, ray_session
117    ):
118        """Test a-axis alignment in simple shear with instantaneous geometry change.
120        The simulation runs for 5 Ma with a strain rate of 1.58e-14/s, resulting in an
121        accumulated strain invariant of 2.5.
123        The initial shear has nonzero du/dz and the final shear has nonzero dv/dx where
124        u is the velocity along X and v the velocity along Y.
126        """
127        # Strain rate in units of strain per year, avoids tiny numbers ∼1e-14.
128        strain_rate = 5e-7
129        # With 500 steps, each step is ~3e11 seconds which is about as small as
130        # geodynamic modelling could feasibly go in most cases.
131        n_timestamps = 500
132        # Solve until D₀t=2.5 ('shear' γ=5).
133        timestamps = np.linspace(0, 5e6, n_timestamps)
134        _seeds = seeds[:500]  # 500 runs as per Fraters & Billen, 2021, Figure 5.
135        n_seeds = len(_seeds)
137        _, get_velocity_gradient_initial = _velocity.simple_shear_2d(
138            "X", "Z", strain_rate
139        )
140        _, get_velocity_gradient_final = _velocity.simple_shear_2d(
141            "Y", "X", strain_rate
142        )
144        # Output arrays for mean [100] angles.
145        olA_from_proj_XZ = np.empty((n_seeds, n_timestamps))
146        olA_from_proj_YX = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
147        ens_from_proj_XZ = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
148        ens_from_proj_YX = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
149        # Output arrays for M-index (CPO strength).
150        olA_strength = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
151        ens_strength = np.empty_like(olA_from_proj_XZ)
153        _id = _io.stringify(switch_time_Ma * 1e6)
154        optional_logging = cl.nullcontext()
155        if outdir is not None:
156            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_direction_change_{_id}"
157            optional_logging = _io.logfile_enable(f"{out_basepath}.log")
159        with optional_logging:
160            clock_start = process_time()
161            _run = ft.partial(
162                self.run,
163                params_Fraters2021,
164                timestamps,
165                get_velocity_gradient_initial,
166                get_velocity_gradient_final,
167                switch_time_Ma * 1e6,
168                _id,
169            )
170            with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
171                for s, out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_run, _seeds)):
172                    olivine, enstatite = out
173                    _log.info("%s; # %d; postprocessing olivine...", _id, _seeds[s])
174                    olA_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
175                        olivine.orientations, olivine.fractions, seed=_seeds[s]
176                    )
177                    olA_mean_vectors = np.array(
178                        [
179                            _diagnostics.bingham_average(dcm, axis="a")
180                            for dcm in olA_resampled
181                        ]
182                    )
183                    olA_from_proj_XZ[s, :] = np.array(
184                        [
185                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 1, 0])
186                            for v in olA_mean_vectors
187                        ]
188                    )
189                    olA_from_proj_YX[s, :] = np.array(
190                        [
191                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 0, 1])
192                            for v in olA_mean_vectors
193                        ]
194                    )
195                    olA_downsampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
196                        olivine.orientations,
197                        olivine.fractions,
198                        seed=_seeds[s],
199                        n_samples=1000,
200                    )
201                    olA_strength[s, :] = _diagnostics.misorientation_indices(
202                        olA_downsampled, _geo.LatticeSystem.orthorhombic, pool=pool
203                    )
205                    del olivine, olA_resampled, olA_mean_vectors
207                    _log.info("%s; # %d; postprocessing enstatite...", _id, _seeds[s])
208                    ens_resampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
209                        enstatite.orientations, enstatite.fractions, seed=_seeds[s]
210                    )
211                    ens_mean_vectors = np.array(
212                        [
213                            _diagnostics.bingham_average(dcm, axis="a")
214                            for dcm in ens_resampled
215                        ]
216                    )
217                    ens_from_proj_XZ[s, :] = np.array(
218                        [
219                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 1, 0])
220                            for v in ens_mean_vectors
221                        ]
222                    )
223                    ens_from_proj_YX[s, :] = np.array(
224                        [
225                            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(v, v - v * [0, 0, 1])
226                            for v in ens_mean_vectors
227                        ]
228                    )
229                    ens_downsampled, _ = _stats.resample_orientations(
230                        enstatite.orientations,
231                        enstatite.fractions,
232                        seed=_seeds[s],
233                        n_samples=1000,
234                    )
235                    ens_strength[s, :] = _diagnostics.misorientation_indices(
236                        ens_downsampled, _geo.LatticeSystem.orthorhombic, pool=pool
237                    )
238                    del enstatite, ens_resampled, ens_mean_vectors
240            _log.info("elapsed CPU time: %s", np.abs(process_time() - clock_start))
241            _log.info("calculating ensemble averages...")
242            olA_from_proj_XZ_mean = olA_from_proj_XZ.mean(axis=0)
243            olA_from_proj_XZ_err = olA_from_proj_XZ.std(axis=0)
245            olA_from_proj_YX_mean = olA_from_proj_YX.mean(axis=0)
246            olA_from_proj_YX_err = olA_from_proj_YX.std(axis=0)
248            ens_from_proj_XZ_mean = ens_from_proj_XZ.mean(axis=0)
249            ens_from_proj_XZ_err = ens_from_proj_XZ.std(axis=0)
251            ens_from_proj_YX_mean = ens_from_proj_YX.mean(axis=0)
252            ens_from_proj_YX_err = ens_from_proj_YX.std(axis=0)
254            if outdir is not None:
255                np.savez(
256                    f"{out_basepath}.npz",
257                    olA_from_proj_XZ_mean=olA_from_proj_XZ_mean,
258                    olA_from_proj_XZ_err=olA_from_proj_XZ_err,
259                    olA_from_proj_YX_mean=olA_from_proj_YX_mean,
260                    olA_from_proj_YX_err=olA_from_proj_YX_err,
261                    ens_from_proj_XZ_mean=ens_from_proj_XZ_mean,
262                    ens_from_proj_XZ_err=ens_from_proj_XZ_err,
263                    ens_from_proj_YX_mean=ens_from_proj_YX_mean,
264                    ens_from_proj_YX_err=ens_from_proj_YX_err,
265                )
266                np.savez(
267                    f"{out_basepath}_strength.npz",
268                    olA_mean=olA_strength.mean(axis=0),
269                    ens_mean=ens_strength.mean(axis=0),
270                    olA_err=olA_strength.std(axis=0),
271                    ens_err=ens_strength.std(axis=0),
272                )

Test a-axis alignment in simple shear with instantaneous geometry change.

The simulation runs for 5 Ma with a strain rate of 1.58e-14/s, resulting in an accumulated strain invariant of 2.5.

The initial shear has nonzero du/dz and the final shear has nonzero dv/dx where u is the velocity along X and v the velocity along Y.