
PyDRex tests

Running the tests requires pytest, and up to ~16GB RAM. From the root of the source tree, run pytest. To print more verbose information (including INFO level logging), such as detailed test progress, use the flag pytest -v. The custom optional flag --outdir="OUT" is recommended to produce output figures, data dumps and logs and save them in the directory "OUT". The value "." can be used to save these in the current directory.

Running individual tests or test subsets is possible using the pytest -k="<pattern>" command line flag, which accepts a string pattern that is matched against the names of test classes or methods. To see a full list of available tests, use the command pytest --co. This produces a rather long list and it is recommended to view the output with a pager like less on Linux.

In total, the following custom pytest command line flags are defined by PyDRex:

  • --outdir (described above)
  • --runbig (enable tests which require a large amount of RAM)
  • --runslow (enable slow tests which require HPC resources, implies --runbig)
  • --ncpus (number of CPU cores to use for shared memory multiprocessing, set to one less than the available maximum by default)
  • --fontsize (Matplotlib rcParams["font.size"])
  • --markersize (Matplotlib rcParams["lines.markersize"])
  • --linewidth (Matplotlib rcParams["lines.linewidth"])

Tests which require a “significant” amount of memory (> ~16GB RAM) are disabled by default. To fully check the functionality of the code, it is recommended to run these locally by using the --runbig flag before moving to larger simulations.

Long tests/examples are also disabled by default and can be enabled with --runslow. It is recommended to run these on a HPC cluster infrastructure (>100GB RAM, >32 cores). The number of cores to use for shared memory multiprocessing can be specified with --ncpus.

Writing tests

For quick sanity checks and inline unit tests, use python doctests. These will also appear as inline examples in the generated documentation. More comprehensive unit tests and larger integration tests should be organised into submodules of the test module.

  • To mark a test as “big” (i.e. requiring more than ~16GB RAM), apply the @pytest.mark.big decorator to the corresponding method definition.

  • To mark a test as “slow” (i.e. requiring more than ~32 cores), apply the @pytest.mark.slow decorator to the corresponding method definition.

Tests should not produce persistent output by default. If a test method can produce such output for debugging or visualisation, it should accept the outdir positional argument, and check if its value is not None. If outdir is None then no persistent output should be produced. If outdir is a directory path (string):

  • logs can be saved by using the pydrex.io.logfile_enable context manager, which accepts a path name and an optional logging level as per Python's logging module (the default is logging.DEBUG which implies the most verbose output),
  • figures can be saved by (implementing and) calling a helper from pydrex.visualisation, and
  • data dumps can be saved to outdir, e.g. in .npz format (see the pydrex.minerals.Mineral.save method) In all cases, saving to outdir should handle creation of parent directories. To handle this as well as relative paths, we provide pydrex.io.resolve_path, which is a thin wrapper around some pathlib methods.
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