
PyDRex: tests for CPO stability in 2D vortex and Stokes cell flows.

  1"""> PyDRex: tests for CPO stability in 2D vortex and Stokes cell flows."""
  3import contextlib as cl
  4import functools as ft
  6import numpy as np
  7import pytest
  8from numpy import testing as nt
 10from pydrex import core as _core
 11from pydrex import diagnostics as _diagnostics
 12from pydrex import io as _io
 13from pydrex import logger as _log
 14from pydrex import minerals as _minerals
 15from pydrex import pathlines as _path
 16from pydrex import stats as _stats
 17from pydrex import utils as _utils
 18from pydrex import velocity as _velocity
 19from pydrex import visualisation as _vis
 20from pydrex import geometry as _geo
 22Pool, HAS_RAY = _utils.import_proc_pool()
 24SUBDIR = "2d_vortex"
 25"""Subdirectory of `outdir` used to store outputs from these tests."""
 28def run_singlephase(params: dict, seed: int, assert_each=None, **kwargs) -> tuple:
 29    """Run 2D convection cell simulation for a single mineral phase.
 31    Uses A-type olivine by default.
 33    Args:
 34    - `params` — see `pydrex.core.DefaultParams`
 35    - `seed` — seed for random number generation
 36    - `assert_each` — optional callable with signature `f(mineral,
 37      deformation_gradient)` that performs assertions at each step
 39    Optional keyword args are consumed by:
 40    1. `pydrex.velocity.cell_2d` and
 41    2. the `pydrex.minerals.Mineral` constructor
 43    Returns a tuple containing:
 44    1. the `mineral` (instance of `pydrex.minerals.Mineral`)
 45    2. the resampled texture (a tuple of the orientations and fractions)
 46    3. a tuple of `fig, ax, q, s` as returned from `pydrex.visualisation.pathline_box2d`
 48    """
 49    horizontal: str = kwargs.pop("horizontal", "X")
 50    vertical: str = kwargs.pop("vertical", "Z")
 51    velocity_edge: float = kwargs.pop("velocity_edge", 6.342e-10)
 52    edge_length: float = kwargs.pop("edge_length", 2e5)
 54    max_strain = kwargs.pop(
 55        # This should be enough to go around the cell one time.
 56        "max_strain",
 57        int(np.ceil(velocity_edge * (edge_length / 2) ** 2)),
 58    )
 59    get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d(
 60        horizontal,
 61        vertical,
 62        velocity_edge,
 63        edge_length,
 64    )
 65    mineral = _minerals.Mineral(
 66        phase=kwargs.pop("phase", _core.MineralPhase.olivine),
 67        fabric=kwargs.pop("fabric", _core.MineralFabric.olivine_A),
 68        regime=kwargs.pop("regime", _core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation),
 69        n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 70        seed=seed,
 71        **kwargs,
 72    )
 74    size = edge_length / 2
 75    dummy_dim = ({0, 1, 2} - set(_geo.to_indices2d(horizontal, vertical))).pop()
 77    timestamps, get_position = _path.get_pathline(
 78        _utils.add_dim([0.5, -0.75], dummy_dim) * size,
 79        get_velocity,
 80        get_velocity_gradient,
 81        _utils.add_dim([-size, -size], dummy_dim),
 82        _utils.add_dim([size, size], dummy_dim),
 83        max_strain,
 84        regular_steps=max_strain * 10,
 85    )
 86    positions = [get_position(t) for t in timestamps]
 87    velocity_gradients = [  # Steady flow, time variable is np.nan.
 88        get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.asarray(x)) for x in positions
 89    ]
 91    strains = np.empty_like(timestamps)
 92    strains[0] = 0
 93    deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)
 95    for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
 96        strains[t] = strains[t - 1] + (
 97            _utils.strain_increment(timestamps[t] - time, velocity_gradients[t])
 98        )
 99        _log.info("step %d/%d (ε = %.2f)", t, len(timestamps) - 1, strains[t])
101        deformation_gradient = mineral.update_orientations(
102            params,
103            deformation_gradient,
104            get_velocity_gradient,
105            pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
106        )
107        if assert_each is not None:
108            assert_each(mineral, deformation_gradient)
110    orientations, fractions = _stats.resample_orientations(
111        mineral.orientations, mineral.fractions, seed=seed
112    )
113    cpo_strengths = np.full(len(orientations), 1.0)
114    cpo_vectors = [_diagnostics.bingham_average(o) for o in orientations]
115    fig_path, ax_path, q, s = _vis.steady_box2d(
116        None,
117        (get_velocity, [20, 20]),
118        (positions, [-size, -size], [size, size]),
119        horizontal + vertical,
120        (cpo_strengths, cpo_vectors),
121        strains,
122        cmap="cmc.batlow_r",
123        aspect="equal",
124        alpha=1,
125    )
126    fig_path.colorbar(s, ax=ax_path, aspect=25, label="Strain (ε)")
128    return mineral, (orientations, fractions), (fig_path, ax_path, q, s)
131class TestCellOlivineA:
132    """Tests for A-type olivine polycrystals in a 2D Stokes cell."""
134    class_id = "cell_olivineA"
135    _ensemble_n_grains = [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]
137    @classmethod
138    def _make_ensemble_figure(cls, outdir):
139        # Create the combined figure from outputs of the parametrized ensemble test.
140        data = []
141        out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{cls.class_id}"
142        try:
143            for n_grains in cls._ensemble_n_grains:
144                data.append(np.load(f"{out_basepath}_xz_ensemble_N{n_grains}_data.npz"))
145        except FileNotFoundError:
146            _log.debug(
147                "skipping visualisation of 2D cell ensemble results (missing datafiles)"
148            )
149            return
151        fig = _vis.figure()
152        mosaic = fig.subplot_mosaic([["a)"], ["b)"]], sharex=True)
153        fig, mosaic["a)"], colors = _vis.alignment(
154            mosaic["a)"],
155            np.asarray([d["strains"] for d in data]),
156            np.asarray([d["angles_mean"] for d in data]),
157            ("s", "o", "v", "*", "."),
158            list(map(str, cls._ensemble_n_grains)),
159            err=np.asarray([d["angles_err"] for d in data]),
160        )
161        fig, mosaic["b)"], colors = _vis.alignment(
162            mosaic["b)"],
163            np.asarray([d["strains"] for d in data]),
164            np.asarray([d["max_sizes_mean"] for d in data]),
165            ("s", "o", "v", "*", "."),
166            list(map(str, cls._ensemble_n_grains)),
167            err=np.asarray([d["max_sizes_err"] for d in data]),
168            θ_max=4,
169        )
170        mosaic["b)"].set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(\overline{S}_{\mathrm{max}})$")
172        mosaic["a)"].label_outer()
173        mosaic["b)"].get_legend().remove()
174        fig.savefig(
175            _io.resolve_path(
176                f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{cls.class_id}_xz_ensemble_combined.pdf"
177            )
178        )
180    @classmethod
181    def run(
182        cls,
183        params,
184        final_location,
185        get_velocity,
186        get_velocity_gradient,
187        min_coords,
188        max_coords,
189        max_strain,
190        seed=None,
191    ):
192        """Run 2D Stokes cell A-type olivine simulation."""
193        mineral = _minerals.Mineral(
194            phase=_core.MineralPhase.olivine,
195            fabric=_core.MineralFabric.olivine_A,
196            regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
197            n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
198            seed=seed,
199        )
200        deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)
202        timestamps, get_position = _path.get_pathline(
203            final_location,
204            get_velocity,
205            get_velocity_gradient,
206            min_coords,
207            max_coords,
208            max_strain,
209            regular_steps=int(max_strain * 10),
210        )
211        positions = [get_position(t) for t in timestamps]
212        velocity_gradients = [
213            get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.asarray(x)) for x in positions
214        ]
215        strains = np.empty_like(timestamps)
216        strains[0] = 0
217        for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
218            strains[t] = strains[t - 1] + (
219                _utils.strain_increment(timestamps[t] - time, velocity_gradients[t])
220            )
221            _log.info("step %d/%d (ε = %.2f)", t, len(timestamps) - 1, strains[t])
223            deformation_gradient = mineral.update_orientations(
224                params,
225                deformation_gradient,
226                get_velocity_gradient,
227                pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
228            )
229        return timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient
231    @pytest.mark.big
232    def test_xz_10k(self, outdir, seed):
233        """Run 2D cell test with 10000 grains (~14GiB RAM requirement)."""
234        self.test_xz(outdir, seed, 10000)
236    @pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci("win32"), reason="Unable to allocate memory")
237    @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_grains", [100, 500, 1000, 5000])
238    def test_xz(self, outdir, seed, n_grains):
239        """Test to check that 5000 grains is "enough" to resolve transient features."""
240        if outdir is not None:
241            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_xz_N{n_grains}"
243        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
244        params["number_of_grains"] = n_grains
245        get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d("X", "Z", 1)
247        timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient = self.run(
248            params,
249            np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, -0.75]),
250            get_velocity,
251            get_velocity_gradient,
252            np.asarray([-1, 0, -1]),
253            np.asarray([1, 0, 1]),
254            7,
255            seed=seed,
256        )
257        angles = [
258            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(
259                _diagnostics.bingham_average(a, axis="a"), get_velocity(np.nan, x)
260            )
261            for a, x in zip(mineral.orientations, positions, strict=True)
262        ]
263        if outdir is not None:
264            # First figure with the domain and pathline.
265            fig_path, ax_path, q, s = _vis.steady_box2d(
266                None,
267                (get_velocity, [20, 20]),
268                (positions, [-1, -1], [1, 1]),
269                "XZ",
270                None,
271                strains,
272                cmap="cmc.batlow_r",
273                tick_formatter=lambda x, pos: str(x),
274                aspect="equal",
275                alpha=1,
276            )
277            fig_path.colorbar(s, ax=ax_path, aspect=25, label="Strain (ε)")
278            fig_path.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_path.pdf"))
279            # Second figure with the angles and grain sizes at every 10 strain values.
280            fig = _vis.figure()
281            axθ = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
282            fig, axθ, colors = _vis.alignment(
283                axθ,
284                strains,
285                angles,
286                (".",),
287                (None,),
288                colors=[strains],
289                cmaps=["cmc.batlow_r"],
290            )
291            ax_sizes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=axθ)
292            fig, ax_sizes, parts = _vis.grainsizes(
293                ax_sizes, strains[::10], mineral.fractions[::10]
294            )
295            axθ.label_outer()
296            fig.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}.pdf"))
298        # Some checks for when we should have "enough" grains.
299        # Based on empirical model outputs, it seems like the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 is the
300        # least sensitive feature to the random state (seed) so we will use that.
301        if n_grains >= 5000:
302            # Can we resolve the temporary alignment to below 20° at ε ≈ 3.75?
303            mean_θ_in_dip = np.mean(angles[34:43])
304            assert mean_θ_in_dip < 12, mean_θ_in_dip
305            # Can we resolve corresponding dip in max grain size (normalized, log_10)?
306            mean_size_in_dip = np.log10(
307                np.mean([np.max(f) for f in mineral.fractions[34:43]]) * n_grains
308            )
309            assert 2 < mean_size_in_dip < 3, mean_size_in_dip
310            # Can we resolve subsequent peak in max grain size (normalized, log_10)?
311            max_size_post_dip = np.log10(
312                np.max([np.max(f) for f in mineral.fractions[43:]]) * n_grains
313            )
314            assert max_size_post_dip > 3, max_size_post_dip
316    @pytest.mark.slow
317    @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_grains", [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000])
318    def test_xz_ensemble(self, outdir, seeds_nearX45, ncpus, n_grains):
319        """Test to demonstrate stability of the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 for 5000+ grains."""
320        _seeds = seeds_nearX45
321        n_seeds = len(_seeds)
322        if outdir is not None:
323            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_xz_ensemble_N{n_grains}"
325        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
326        params["number_of_grains"] = n_grains
327        get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d("X", "Z", 1)
329        _run = ft.partial(
330            self.run,
331            params,
332            np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, -0.75]),
333            get_velocity,
334            get_velocity_gradient,
335            np.asarray([-1, 0, -1]),
336            np.asarray([1, 0, 1]),
337            7,
338        )
339        angles = np.empty((n_seeds, 70))
340        max_sizes = np.empty_like(angles)
341        with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
342            for s, out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_run, _seeds)):
343                timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient = out
344                angles[s] = [
345                    _diagnostics.smallest_angle(
346                        _diagnostics.bingham_average(a, axis="a"),
347                        get_velocity(np.nan, x),
348                    )
349                    for a, x in zip(mineral.orientations, positions, strict=True)
350                ]
351                max_sizes[s] = np.log10(np.max(mineral.fractions, axis=1) * n_grains)
353        if outdir is not None:
354            # Figure with the angles and max grain sizes (ensemble averages).
355            fig = _vis.figure()
356            axθ = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
357            angles_mean = np.mean(angles, axis=0)
358            angles_err = np.std(angles, axis=0)
359            fig, axθ, colors = _vis.alignment(
360                axθ,
361                strains,
362                angles_mean,
363                (".",),
364                (None,),
365                err=angles_err,
366            )
367            ax_maxsize = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=axθ)
368            ax_maxsize.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(\overline{S}_{\mathrm{max}})$")
369            max_sizes_mean = np.mean(max_sizes, axis=0)
370            ax_maxsize.plot(strains, max_sizes_mean, color=colors[0])
371            max_sizes_err = np.std(max_sizes, axis=0)
372            ax_maxsize.fill_between(
373                strains,
374                max_sizes_mean - max_sizes_err,
375                max_sizes_mean + max_sizes_err,
376                alpha=0.22,
377                color=colors[0],
378            )
379            axθ.label_outer()
380            fig.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}.pdf"))
381            np.savez(
382                _io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_data.npz"),
383                strains=strains,
384                max_sizes_mean=max_sizes_mean,
385                max_sizes_err=max_sizes_err,
386                angles_mean=angles_mean,
387                angles_err=angles_err,
388            )
391class TestDiffusionCreep:
392    """Tests for diffusion creep regime."""
394    class_id = "diff_creep"
396    @pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci("win32"), reason="Unable to allocate memory")
397    def test_cell_olA(self, outdir, seed, ncpus, orientations_init_y):
398        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
399        params["gbm_mobility"] = 10
401        def get_assert_each(i):  # The order of orientations_init_y is significant.
402            @_utils.serializable
403            def assert_each(mineral, deformation_gradient):
404                # Check that surrogate grain sizes are not changing.
405                nt.assert_allclose(
406                    mineral.fractions[-1], mineral.fractions[-2], atol=1e-16, rtol=0
407                )
408                p, g, r = _diagnostics.symmetry_pgr(mineral.orientations[-1])
409                nt.assert_allclose(
410                    np.array([p, g, r]),
411                    _diagnostics.symmetry_pgr(mineral.orientations[-2]),
412                    atol=0.25,
413                    rtol=0,
414                )
415                match i:
416                    case 0:
417                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly random.
418                        assert r > 0.9, f"{r}"
419                    case 1:
420                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly girdled.
421                        assert g > 0.9, f"{g}"
422                    case 2:
423                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly clustered.
424                        assert p > 0.9, f"{g}"
426            return assert_each
428        @_utils.serializable
429        def _run(assert_each, orientations_init):
430            return run_singlephase(
431                params,
432                seed,
433                regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_diffusion,
434                orientations_init=orientations_init,
435            )
437        optional_logging = cl.nullcontext()
438        if outdir is not None:
439            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_olA"
440            optional_logging = _io.logfile_enable(f"{out_basepath}.log")
442        assert_each_list = [
443            get_assert_each(i) for i, _ in enumerate(orientations_init_y)
444        ]
445        orientations_init_list = [
446            f(params["number_of_grains"]) for f in orientations_init_y
447        ]
448        with optional_logging:
449            with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
450                for i, out in enumerate(
451                    pool.starmap(_run, zip(assert_each_list, orientations_init_list))
452                ):
453                    mineral, resampled_texture, fig_objects = out
454                    if outdir is not None:
455                        fig_objects[0].savefig(
456                            _io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_path_{i}.pdf")
457                        )
SUBDIR = '2d_vortex'

Subdirectory of outdir used to store outputs from these tests.

def run_singlephase(params: dict, seed: int, assert_each=None, **kwargs) -> tuple:
 29def run_singlephase(params: dict, seed: int, assert_each=None, **kwargs) -> tuple:
 30    """Run 2D convection cell simulation for a single mineral phase.
 32    Uses A-type olivine by default.
 34    Args:
 35    - `params` — see `pydrex.core.DefaultParams`
 36    - `seed` — seed for random number generation
 37    - `assert_each` — optional callable with signature `f(mineral,
 38      deformation_gradient)` that performs assertions at each step
 40    Optional keyword args are consumed by:
 41    1. `pydrex.velocity.cell_2d` and
 42    2. the `pydrex.minerals.Mineral` constructor
 44    Returns a tuple containing:
 45    1. the `mineral` (instance of `pydrex.minerals.Mineral`)
 46    2. the resampled texture (a tuple of the orientations and fractions)
 47    3. a tuple of `fig, ax, q, s` as returned from `pydrex.visualisation.pathline_box2d`
 49    """
 50    horizontal: str = kwargs.pop("horizontal", "X")
 51    vertical: str = kwargs.pop("vertical", "Z")
 52    velocity_edge: float = kwargs.pop("velocity_edge", 6.342e-10)
 53    edge_length: float = kwargs.pop("edge_length", 2e5)
 55    max_strain = kwargs.pop(
 56        # This should be enough to go around the cell one time.
 57        "max_strain",
 58        int(np.ceil(velocity_edge * (edge_length / 2) ** 2)),
 59    )
 60    get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d(
 61        horizontal,
 62        vertical,
 63        velocity_edge,
 64        edge_length,
 65    )
 66    mineral = _minerals.Mineral(
 67        phase=kwargs.pop("phase", _core.MineralPhase.olivine),
 68        fabric=kwargs.pop("fabric", _core.MineralFabric.olivine_A),
 69        regime=kwargs.pop("regime", _core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation),
 70        n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
 71        seed=seed,
 72        **kwargs,
 73    )
 75    size = edge_length / 2
 76    dummy_dim = ({0, 1, 2} - set(_geo.to_indices2d(horizontal, vertical))).pop()
 78    timestamps, get_position = _path.get_pathline(
 79        _utils.add_dim([0.5, -0.75], dummy_dim) * size,
 80        get_velocity,
 81        get_velocity_gradient,
 82        _utils.add_dim([-size, -size], dummy_dim),
 83        _utils.add_dim([size, size], dummy_dim),
 84        max_strain,
 85        regular_steps=max_strain * 10,
 86    )
 87    positions = [get_position(t) for t in timestamps]
 88    velocity_gradients = [  # Steady flow, time variable is np.nan.
 89        get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.asarray(x)) for x in positions
 90    ]
 92    strains = np.empty_like(timestamps)
 93    strains[0] = 0
 94    deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)
 96    for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
 97        strains[t] = strains[t - 1] + (
 98            _utils.strain_increment(timestamps[t] - time, velocity_gradients[t])
 99        )
100        _log.info("step %d/%d (ε = %.2f)", t, len(timestamps) - 1, strains[t])
102        deformation_gradient = mineral.update_orientations(
103            params,
104            deformation_gradient,
105            get_velocity_gradient,
106            pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
107        )
108        if assert_each is not None:
109            assert_each(mineral, deformation_gradient)
111    orientations, fractions = _stats.resample_orientations(
112        mineral.orientations, mineral.fractions, seed=seed
113    )
114    cpo_strengths = np.full(len(orientations), 1.0)
115    cpo_vectors = [_diagnostics.bingham_average(o) for o in orientations]
116    fig_path, ax_path, q, s = _vis.steady_box2d(
117        None,
118        (get_velocity, [20, 20]),
119        (positions, [-size, -size], [size, size]),
120        horizontal + vertical,
121        (cpo_strengths, cpo_vectors),
122        strains,
123        cmap="cmc.batlow_r",
124        aspect="equal",
125        alpha=1,
126    )
127    fig_path.colorbar(s, ax=ax_path, aspect=25, label="Strain (ε)")
129    return mineral, (orientations, fractions), (fig_path, ax_path, q, s)

Run 2D convection cell simulation for a single mineral phase.

Uses A-type olivine by default.


  • params — see pydrex.core.DefaultParams
  • seed — seed for random number generation
  • assert_each — optional callable with signature f(mineral, deformation_gradient) that performs assertions at each step

Optional keyword args are consumed by:

  1. pydrex.velocity.cell_2d and
  2. the pydrex.minerals.Mineral constructor

Returns a tuple containing:

  1. the mineral (instance of pydrex.minerals.Mineral)
  2. the resampled texture (a tuple of the orientations and fractions)
  3. a tuple of fig, ax, q, s as returned from pydrex.visualisation.pathline_box2d
class TestCellOlivineA:
132class TestCellOlivineA:
133    """Tests for A-type olivine polycrystals in a 2D Stokes cell."""
135    class_id = "cell_olivineA"
136    _ensemble_n_grains = [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]
138    @classmethod
139    def _make_ensemble_figure(cls, outdir):
140        # Create the combined figure from outputs of the parametrized ensemble test.
141        data = []
142        out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{cls.class_id}"
143        try:
144            for n_grains in cls._ensemble_n_grains:
145                data.append(np.load(f"{out_basepath}_xz_ensemble_N{n_grains}_data.npz"))
146        except FileNotFoundError:
147            _log.debug(
148                "skipping visualisation of 2D cell ensemble results (missing datafiles)"
149            )
150            return
152        fig = _vis.figure()
153        mosaic = fig.subplot_mosaic([["a)"], ["b)"]], sharex=True)
154        fig, mosaic["a)"], colors = _vis.alignment(
155            mosaic["a)"],
156            np.asarray([d["strains"] for d in data]),
157            np.asarray([d["angles_mean"] for d in data]),
158            ("s", "o", "v", "*", "."),
159            list(map(str, cls._ensemble_n_grains)),
160            err=np.asarray([d["angles_err"] for d in data]),
161        )
162        fig, mosaic["b)"], colors = _vis.alignment(
163            mosaic["b)"],
164            np.asarray([d["strains"] for d in data]),
165            np.asarray([d["max_sizes_mean"] for d in data]),
166            ("s", "o", "v", "*", "."),
167            list(map(str, cls._ensemble_n_grains)),
168            err=np.asarray([d["max_sizes_err"] for d in data]),
169            θ_max=4,
170        )
171        mosaic["b)"].set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(\overline{S}_{\mathrm{max}})$")
173        mosaic["a)"].label_outer()
174        mosaic["b)"].get_legend().remove()
175        fig.savefig(
176            _io.resolve_path(
177                f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{cls.class_id}_xz_ensemble_combined.pdf"
178            )
179        )
181    @classmethod
182    def run(
183        cls,
184        params,
185        final_location,
186        get_velocity,
187        get_velocity_gradient,
188        min_coords,
189        max_coords,
190        max_strain,
191        seed=None,
192    ):
193        """Run 2D Stokes cell A-type olivine simulation."""
194        mineral = _minerals.Mineral(
195            phase=_core.MineralPhase.olivine,
196            fabric=_core.MineralFabric.olivine_A,
197            regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
198            n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
199            seed=seed,
200        )
201        deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)
203        timestamps, get_position = _path.get_pathline(
204            final_location,
205            get_velocity,
206            get_velocity_gradient,
207            min_coords,
208            max_coords,
209            max_strain,
210            regular_steps=int(max_strain * 10),
211        )
212        positions = [get_position(t) for t in timestamps]
213        velocity_gradients = [
214            get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.asarray(x)) for x in positions
215        ]
216        strains = np.empty_like(timestamps)
217        strains[0] = 0
218        for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
219            strains[t] = strains[t - 1] + (
220                _utils.strain_increment(timestamps[t] - time, velocity_gradients[t])
221            )
222            _log.info("step %d/%d (ε = %.2f)", t, len(timestamps) - 1, strains[t])
224            deformation_gradient = mineral.update_orientations(
225                params,
226                deformation_gradient,
227                get_velocity_gradient,
228                pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
229            )
230        return timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient
232    @pytest.mark.big
233    def test_xz_10k(self, outdir, seed):
234        """Run 2D cell test with 10000 grains (~14GiB RAM requirement)."""
235        self.test_xz(outdir, seed, 10000)
237    @pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci("win32"), reason="Unable to allocate memory")
238    @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_grains", [100, 500, 1000, 5000])
239    def test_xz(self, outdir, seed, n_grains):
240        """Test to check that 5000 grains is "enough" to resolve transient features."""
241        if outdir is not None:
242            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_xz_N{n_grains}"
244        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
245        params["number_of_grains"] = n_grains
246        get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d("X", "Z", 1)
248        timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient = self.run(
249            params,
250            np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, -0.75]),
251            get_velocity,
252            get_velocity_gradient,
253            np.asarray([-1, 0, -1]),
254            np.asarray([1, 0, 1]),
255            7,
256            seed=seed,
257        )
258        angles = [
259            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(
260                _diagnostics.bingham_average(a, axis="a"), get_velocity(np.nan, x)
261            )
262            for a, x in zip(mineral.orientations, positions, strict=True)
263        ]
264        if outdir is not None:
265            # First figure with the domain and pathline.
266            fig_path, ax_path, q, s = _vis.steady_box2d(
267                None,
268                (get_velocity, [20, 20]),
269                (positions, [-1, -1], [1, 1]),
270                "XZ",
271                None,
272                strains,
273                cmap="cmc.batlow_r",
274                tick_formatter=lambda x, pos: str(x),
275                aspect="equal",
276                alpha=1,
277            )
278            fig_path.colorbar(s, ax=ax_path, aspect=25, label="Strain (ε)")
279            fig_path.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_path.pdf"))
280            # Second figure with the angles and grain sizes at every 10 strain values.
281            fig = _vis.figure()
282            axθ = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
283            fig, axθ, colors = _vis.alignment(
284                axθ,
285                strains,
286                angles,
287                (".",),
288                (None,),
289                colors=[strains],
290                cmaps=["cmc.batlow_r"],
291            )
292            ax_sizes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=axθ)
293            fig, ax_sizes, parts = _vis.grainsizes(
294                ax_sizes, strains[::10], mineral.fractions[::10]
295            )
296            axθ.label_outer()
297            fig.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}.pdf"))
299        # Some checks for when we should have "enough" grains.
300        # Based on empirical model outputs, it seems like the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 is the
301        # least sensitive feature to the random state (seed) so we will use that.
302        if n_grains >= 5000:
303            # Can we resolve the temporary alignment to below 20° at ε ≈ 3.75?
304            mean_θ_in_dip = np.mean(angles[34:43])
305            assert mean_θ_in_dip < 12, mean_θ_in_dip
306            # Can we resolve corresponding dip in max grain size (normalized, log_10)?
307            mean_size_in_dip = np.log10(
308                np.mean([np.max(f) for f in mineral.fractions[34:43]]) * n_grains
309            )
310            assert 2 < mean_size_in_dip < 3, mean_size_in_dip
311            # Can we resolve subsequent peak in max grain size (normalized, log_10)?
312            max_size_post_dip = np.log10(
313                np.max([np.max(f) for f in mineral.fractions[43:]]) * n_grains
314            )
315            assert max_size_post_dip > 3, max_size_post_dip
317    @pytest.mark.slow
318    @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_grains", [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000])
319    def test_xz_ensemble(self, outdir, seeds_nearX45, ncpus, n_grains):
320        """Test to demonstrate stability of the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 for 5000+ grains."""
321        _seeds = seeds_nearX45
322        n_seeds = len(_seeds)
323        if outdir is not None:
324            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_xz_ensemble_N{n_grains}"
326        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
327        params["number_of_grains"] = n_grains
328        get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d("X", "Z", 1)
330        _run = ft.partial(
331            self.run,
332            params,
333            np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, -0.75]),
334            get_velocity,
335            get_velocity_gradient,
336            np.asarray([-1, 0, -1]),
337            np.asarray([1, 0, 1]),
338            7,
339        )
340        angles = np.empty((n_seeds, 70))
341        max_sizes = np.empty_like(angles)
342        with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
343            for s, out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_run, _seeds)):
344                timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient = out
345                angles[s] = [
346                    _diagnostics.smallest_angle(
347                        _diagnostics.bingham_average(a, axis="a"),
348                        get_velocity(np.nan, x),
349                    )
350                    for a, x in zip(mineral.orientations, positions, strict=True)
351                ]
352                max_sizes[s] = np.log10(np.max(mineral.fractions, axis=1) * n_grains)
354        if outdir is not None:
355            # Figure with the angles and max grain sizes (ensemble averages).
356            fig = _vis.figure()
357            axθ = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
358            angles_mean = np.mean(angles, axis=0)
359            angles_err = np.std(angles, axis=0)
360            fig, axθ, colors = _vis.alignment(
361                axθ,
362                strains,
363                angles_mean,
364                (".",),
365                (None,),
366                err=angles_err,
367            )
368            ax_maxsize = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=axθ)
369            ax_maxsize.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(\overline{S}_{\mathrm{max}})$")
370            max_sizes_mean = np.mean(max_sizes, axis=0)
371            ax_maxsize.plot(strains, max_sizes_mean, color=colors[0])
372            max_sizes_err = np.std(max_sizes, axis=0)
373            ax_maxsize.fill_between(
374                strains,
375                max_sizes_mean - max_sizes_err,
376                max_sizes_mean + max_sizes_err,
377                alpha=0.22,
378                color=colors[0],
379            )
380            axθ.label_outer()
381            fig.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}.pdf"))
382            np.savez(
383                _io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_data.npz"),
384                strains=strains,
385                max_sizes_mean=max_sizes_mean,
386                max_sizes_err=max_sizes_err,
387                angles_mean=angles_mean,
388                angles_err=angles_err,
389            )

Tests for A-type olivine polycrystals in a 2D Stokes cell.

class_id = 'cell_olivineA'
def run( cls, params, final_location, get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient, min_coords, max_coords, max_strain, seed=None):
181    @classmethod
182    def run(
183        cls,
184        params,
185        final_location,
186        get_velocity,
187        get_velocity_gradient,
188        min_coords,
189        max_coords,
190        max_strain,
191        seed=None,
192    ):
193        """Run 2D Stokes cell A-type olivine simulation."""
194        mineral = _minerals.Mineral(
195            phase=_core.MineralPhase.olivine,
196            fabric=_core.MineralFabric.olivine_A,
197            regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_dislocation,
198            n_grains=params["number_of_grains"],
199            seed=seed,
200        )
201        deformation_gradient = np.eye(3)
203        timestamps, get_position = _path.get_pathline(
204            final_location,
205            get_velocity,
206            get_velocity_gradient,
207            min_coords,
208            max_coords,
209            max_strain,
210            regular_steps=int(max_strain * 10),
211        )
212        positions = [get_position(t) for t in timestamps]
213        velocity_gradients = [
214            get_velocity_gradient(np.nan, np.asarray(x)) for x in positions
215        ]
216        strains = np.empty_like(timestamps)
217        strains[0] = 0
218        for t, time in enumerate(timestamps[:-1], start=1):
219            strains[t] = strains[t - 1] + (
220                _utils.strain_increment(timestamps[t] - time, velocity_gradients[t])
221            )
222            _log.info("step %d/%d (ε = %.2f)", t, len(timestamps) - 1, strains[t])
224            deformation_gradient = mineral.update_orientations(
225                params,
226                deformation_gradient,
227                get_velocity_gradient,
228                pathline=(time, timestamps[t], get_position),
229            )
230        return timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient

Run 2D Stokes cell A-type olivine simulation.

def test_xz_10k(self, outdir, seed):
232    @pytest.mark.big
233    def test_xz_10k(self, outdir, seed):
234        """Run 2D cell test with 10000 grains (~14GiB RAM requirement)."""
235        self.test_xz(outdir, seed, 10000)

Run 2D cell test with 10000 grains (~14GiB RAM requirement).

@pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci('win32'), reason='Unable to allocate memory')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n_grains', [100, 500, 1000, 5000])
def test_xz(self, outdir, seed, n_grains):
237    @pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci("win32"), reason="Unable to allocate memory")
238    @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_grains", [100, 500, 1000, 5000])
239    def test_xz(self, outdir, seed, n_grains):
240        """Test to check that 5000 grains is "enough" to resolve transient features."""
241        if outdir is not None:
242            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_xz_N{n_grains}"
244        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
245        params["number_of_grains"] = n_grains
246        get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d("X", "Z", 1)
248        timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient = self.run(
249            params,
250            np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, -0.75]),
251            get_velocity,
252            get_velocity_gradient,
253            np.asarray([-1, 0, -1]),
254            np.asarray([1, 0, 1]),
255            7,
256            seed=seed,
257        )
258        angles = [
259            _diagnostics.smallest_angle(
260                _diagnostics.bingham_average(a, axis="a"), get_velocity(np.nan, x)
261            )
262            for a, x in zip(mineral.orientations, positions, strict=True)
263        ]
264        if outdir is not None:
265            # First figure with the domain and pathline.
266            fig_path, ax_path, q, s = _vis.steady_box2d(
267                None,
268                (get_velocity, [20, 20]),
269                (positions, [-1, -1], [1, 1]),
270                "XZ",
271                None,
272                strains,
273                cmap="cmc.batlow_r",
274                tick_formatter=lambda x, pos: str(x),
275                aspect="equal",
276                alpha=1,
277            )
278            fig_path.colorbar(s, ax=ax_path, aspect=25, label="Strain (ε)")
279            fig_path.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_path.pdf"))
280            # Second figure with the angles and grain sizes at every 10 strain values.
281            fig = _vis.figure()
282            axθ = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
283            fig, axθ, colors = _vis.alignment(
284                axθ,
285                strains,
286                angles,
287                (".",),
288                (None,),
289                colors=[strains],
290                cmaps=["cmc.batlow_r"],
291            )
292            ax_sizes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=axθ)
293            fig, ax_sizes, parts = _vis.grainsizes(
294                ax_sizes, strains[::10], mineral.fractions[::10]
295            )
296            axθ.label_outer()
297            fig.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}.pdf"))
299        # Some checks for when we should have "enough" grains.
300        # Based on empirical model outputs, it seems like the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 is the
301        # least sensitive feature to the random state (seed) so we will use that.
302        if n_grains >= 5000:
303            # Can we resolve the temporary alignment to below 20° at ε ≈ 3.75?
304            mean_θ_in_dip = np.mean(angles[34:43])
305            assert mean_θ_in_dip < 12, mean_θ_in_dip
306            # Can we resolve corresponding dip in max grain size (normalized, log_10)?
307            mean_size_in_dip = np.log10(
308                np.mean([np.max(f) for f in mineral.fractions[34:43]]) * n_grains
309            )
310            assert 2 < mean_size_in_dip < 3, mean_size_in_dip
311            # Can we resolve subsequent peak in max grain size (normalized, log_10)?
312            max_size_post_dip = np.log10(
313                np.max([np.max(f) for f in mineral.fractions[43:]]) * n_grains
314            )
315            assert max_size_post_dip > 3, max_size_post_dip

Test to check that 5000 grains is "enough" to resolve transient features.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n_grains', [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000])
def test_xz_ensemble(self, outdir, seeds_nearX45, ncpus, n_grains):
317    @pytest.mark.slow
318    @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_grains", [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000])
319    def test_xz_ensemble(self, outdir, seeds_nearX45, ncpus, n_grains):
320        """Test to demonstrate stability of the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 for 5000+ grains."""
321        _seeds = seeds_nearX45
322        n_seeds = len(_seeds)
323        if outdir is not None:
324            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_xz_ensemble_N{n_grains}"
326        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
327        params["number_of_grains"] = n_grains
328        get_velocity, get_velocity_gradient = _velocity.cell_2d("X", "Z", 1)
330        _run = ft.partial(
331            self.run,
332            params,
333            np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, -0.75]),
334            get_velocity,
335            get_velocity_gradient,
336            np.asarray([-1, 0, -1]),
337            np.asarray([1, 0, 1]),
338            7,
339        )
340        angles = np.empty((n_seeds, 70))
341        max_sizes = np.empty_like(angles)
342        with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
343            for s, out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_run, _seeds)):
344                timestamps, positions, strains, mineral, deformation_gradient = out
345                angles[s] = [
346                    _diagnostics.smallest_angle(
347                        _diagnostics.bingham_average(a, axis="a"),
348                        get_velocity(np.nan, x),
349                    )
350                    for a, x in zip(mineral.orientations, positions, strict=True)
351                ]
352                max_sizes[s] = np.log10(np.max(mineral.fractions, axis=1) * n_grains)
354        if outdir is not None:
355            # Figure with the angles and max grain sizes (ensemble averages).
356            fig = _vis.figure()
357            axθ = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
358            angles_mean = np.mean(angles, axis=0)
359            angles_err = np.std(angles, axis=0)
360            fig, axθ, colors = _vis.alignment(
361                axθ,
362                strains,
363                angles_mean,
364                (".",),
365                (None,),
366                err=angles_err,
367            )
368            ax_maxsize = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=axθ)
369            ax_maxsize.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(\overline{S}_{\mathrm{max}})$")
370            max_sizes_mean = np.mean(max_sizes, axis=0)
371            ax_maxsize.plot(strains, max_sizes_mean, color=colors[0])
372            max_sizes_err = np.std(max_sizes, axis=0)
373            ax_maxsize.fill_between(
374                strains,
375                max_sizes_mean - max_sizes_err,
376                max_sizes_mean + max_sizes_err,
377                alpha=0.22,
378                color=colors[0],
379            )
380            axθ.label_outer()
381            fig.savefig(_io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}.pdf"))
382            np.savez(
383                _io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_data.npz"),
384                strains=strains,
385                max_sizes_mean=max_sizes_mean,
386                max_sizes_err=max_sizes_err,
387                angles_mean=angles_mean,
388                angles_err=angles_err,
389            )

Test to demonstrate stability of the dip at ε ≈ 3.75 for 5000+ grains.

class TestDiffusionCreep:
392class TestDiffusionCreep:
393    """Tests for diffusion creep regime."""
395    class_id = "diff_creep"
397    @pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci("win32"), reason="Unable to allocate memory")
398    def test_cell_olA(self, outdir, seed, ncpus, orientations_init_y):
399        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
400        params["gbm_mobility"] = 10
402        def get_assert_each(i):  # The order of orientations_init_y is significant.
403            @_utils.serializable
404            def assert_each(mineral, deformation_gradient):
405                # Check that surrogate grain sizes are not changing.
406                nt.assert_allclose(
407                    mineral.fractions[-1], mineral.fractions[-2], atol=1e-16, rtol=0
408                )
409                p, g, r = _diagnostics.symmetry_pgr(mineral.orientations[-1])
410                nt.assert_allclose(
411                    np.array([p, g, r]),
412                    _diagnostics.symmetry_pgr(mineral.orientations[-2]),
413                    atol=0.25,
414                    rtol=0,
415                )
416                match i:
417                    case 0:
418                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly random.
419                        assert r > 0.9, f"{r}"
420                    case 1:
421                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly girdled.
422                        assert g > 0.9, f"{g}"
423                    case 2:
424                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly clustered.
425                        assert p > 0.9, f"{g}"
427            return assert_each
429        @_utils.serializable
430        def _run(assert_each, orientations_init):
431            return run_singlephase(
432                params,
433                seed,
434                regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_diffusion,
435                orientations_init=orientations_init,
436            )
438        optional_logging = cl.nullcontext()
439        if outdir is not None:
440            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_olA"
441            optional_logging = _io.logfile_enable(f"{out_basepath}.log")
443        assert_each_list = [
444            get_assert_each(i) for i, _ in enumerate(orientations_init_y)
445        ]
446        orientations_init_list = [
447            f(params["number_of_grains"]) for f in orientations_init_y
448        ]
449        with optional_logging:
450            with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
451                for i, out in enumerate(
452                    pool.starmap(_run, zip(assert_each_list, orientations_init_list))
453                ):
454                    mineral, resampled_texture, fig_objects = out
455                    if outdir is not None:
456                        fig_objects[0].savefig(
457                            _io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_path_{i}.pdf")
458                        )

Tests for diffusion creep regime.

class_id = 'diff_creep'
@pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci('win32'), reason='Unable to allocate memory')
def test_cell_olA(self, outdir, seed, ncpus, orientations_init_y):
397    @pytest.mark.skipif(_utils.in_ci("win32"), reason="Unable to allocate memory")
398    def test_cell_olA(self, outdir, seed, ncpus, orientations_init_y):
399        params = _core.DefaultParams().as_dict()
400        params["gbm_mobility"] = 10
402        def get_assert_each(i):  # The order of orientations_init_y is significant.
403            @_utils.serializable
404            def assert_each(mineral, deformation_gradient):
405                # Check that surrogate grain sizes are not changing.
406                nt.assert_allclose(
407                    mineral.fractions[-1], mineral.fractions[-2], atol=1e-16, rtol=0
408                )
409                p, g, r = _diagnostics.symmetry_pgr(mineral.orientations[-1])
410                nt.assert_allclose(
411                    np.array([p, g, r]),
412                    _diagnostics.symmetry_pgr(mineral.orientations[-2]),
413                    atol=0.25,
414                    rtol=0,
415                )
416                match i:
417                    case 0:
418                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly random.
419                        assert r > 0.9, f"{r}"
420                    case 1:
421                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly girdled.
422                        assert g > 0.9, f"{g}"
423                    case 2:
424                        # Check that symmetry remains mostly clustered.
425                        assert p > 0.9, f"{g}"
427            return assert_each
429        @_utils.serializable
430        def _run(assert_each, orientations_init):
431            return run_singlephase(
432                params,
433                seed,
434                regime=_core.DeformationRegime.matrix_diffusion,
435                orientations_init=orientations_init,
436            )
438        optional_logging = cl.nullcontext()
439        if outdir is not None:
440            out_basepath = f"{outdir}/{SUBDIR}/{self.class_id}_olA"
441            optional_logging = _io.logfile_enable(f"{out_basepath}.log")
443        assert_each_list = [
444            get_assert_each(i) for i, _ in enumerate(orientations_init_y)
445        ]
446        orientations_init_list = [
447            f(params["number_of_grains"]) for f in orientations_init_y
448        ]
449        with optional_logging:
450            with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
451                for i, out in enumerate(
452                    pool.starmap(_run, zip(assert_each_list, orientations_init_list))
453                ):
454                    mineral, resampled_texture, fig_objects = out
455                    if outdir is not None:
456                        fig_objects[0].savefig(
457                            _io.resolve_path(f"{out_basepath}_path_{i}.pdf")
458                        )